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Best Poems Written by Sristi Verma

Below are the all-time best Sristi Verma poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Hope Blossoms

So what, if the world does not understands you, fathoms your words, your values, your hardship and all your close tete-e-tete with trouble. 
So what, if the world is blind in it's pernicious goal,
in it's grandeur, 
it's unrequited love for fame and glory. 

So what, if the world starts it's journey without you, 
leaving you behind, in vicious waves and tides, floating up and down, searching for shore, 
grasping a little hope. 

So what, if the world continues it's schedule, it's assignment, 
even if your innocuous world is shattering, heart breaking,  soul wretching. 

It seems like a end, rather than a beginning, 
but have little faith  nina pequena, 
'cause every ending have a new fresh distinct beginning. 

a vagabond

Copyright © Sristi Verma | Year Posted 2020

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Mi Amor

the world may die and fall, 
but you'll always be in my heart, 
even if everyone turns against you, 
my love will always be with you

- vagabond

Copyright © Sristi Verma | Year Posted 2022

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My disability might impede me, physically, 
but my mind runs rampant, 
even if my spine abandons me sometimes, 
my spirit always flames bright.

a vagabond

Copyright © Sristi Verma | Year Posted 2022

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Save Me Please Mia

S - she was always afraid, of what, I do not know, 
A- and she would always hide, from whom, remains unknown, 
V- various expressions would cross her face, but never one of delight, 
E- Emma, my saccharine sweet Emma, thou died of disease which still survives. 

M- "Myalgic Encephalomyelitis", the doctor said, Ah! the reason of demise, 
E- entire world may cripple! I cried. 

 P- people lively, world grinning in glee, what does it says about you, turning blind eye, to my grief? 
L - less of happiness now darling, soul coated in agony, 
E- engraved on your grave;
   Emma Jhonson, 
   2001 - 2017
   'its okay to be afraid sometimes',
A- and hither I'm, alone, gluing the broken strings, tending the cracked heart, 
S- Such a misery! tiresome trajectory! O' lord how I'm gonna survive?
E- emptiness, the huge void, which your departure created honey, countless times I ask, is this how could you say goodbye? 

MIA(Message in Acrostic)

Copyright © Sristi Verma | Year Posted 2021

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Amidst Darkness

If darkness is ahead of me, 
tryin' to tangle my future,
should I just close my eyes and imagine light?
If my anima is hurt, wounded deeply,
should I just let it heal, 
by the time?
If my brain stops tryin'
clouded with doubts,
should I just cling to last wee ray of hope?
If this world is tyrant,
murders truth, maims happiness
should I be the one to bring glee in maze of cruelty?
try to cling to wee hope of love, loyality, generosity, 
'cause sweetheart sun is yet to set

a vagabond

Copyright © Sristi Verma | Year Posted 2020

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Novice, Still Am I

Still a novice, 
pushed into world of avarice. 
Hearts gilded with greed, 
beautifully masked faces, so sweet indeed! 
Faces elated under twinkling night, 
welcoming your journey, 
in the corner, plotting, 
cruel indeed! 
Smiling lips, Scintillating eyes, 
feeding on your sorrows to survive. 

Still a tyro, 
struggling to thrive. 
Anima ingrained with misdeed, 
charmingly masked malice, sugary indeed! 
Faces basking under scorching sun, 
congratulating on your success, 
in the neck of the woods, conspiring, 
callous indeed!
Dancing body, singing voice, 
waiting for your sorrow to arrive!

a vagabond

Copyright © Sristi Verma | Year Posted 2020

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Crown Shaped Virus

Oh! beloved how scared i was, 
the risk of losing you to invisible enemy, 
a creature with no anima and heart.
An unknown, undefeatable enemy, pounding on you when you had no armour, no vicious sword. 
Trying to reach you, almost desperate, no hope to light my heart, 
You alone in the hospital bed, while i was sobbing miles apart. 
No flying carpet, no fairy tale magic, a real world morbid with death and loss. 
But oh my sweet how hard you fought, 
indeed a lioness at heart! 
Me, caged inside four cold walls, hands with sanetizer, face with masks, 
incomplete without symphony of your laugh. 

In extreme agony, this is how my few days passed. 

Streets again lively, grandma with her dog, gardens filled with restrained joy, eyes shadowed with unexpected loss. 
With grim determination, i paved my path, holding the fragile festoon of faith. 
Finally, the painful journey ended, my destination before my eyes, stained windows shading you, door opened you came running, into my arms. 
Sunken cheeks, hollowed eyes, Oh love how beautiful you were to my parched eyes! 


Copyright © Sristi Verma | Year Posted 2021

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The Past

The journey that was incomplete, 
The world that is no longer serene. 
The path that was unclear, 
The destination which was not achieved. 
Those lost battles, the unheard cries,
 the lost hues and the fallen skies. 

The love that pained, 
The lies that were sweet, 
The beauty that was unashamedly destroyed, 
The violence; unrestrained. 
Those lost petals, the crumbled leaves, the lost spring and the shrouded moon. 

The betrayal that hurt, 
The death that parted. 
The sorrow; unbridled
The cold melancholy. 

These memories, these feelings, the regrets, the agonies; 
no longer shackled. 
The cracked heart, the parched soul, the teary smiles, the broken glee, 
no longer stitchable, 
unhealed, unmendable.


Copyright © Sristi Verma | Year Posted 2021

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Miracle of Fate

Some days of my life are weary, 
some days are beauty, 
some are mixture of  sorrow and glee and others are just too sweet.
But with this life so beautiful, gleeful and adventurous I know one thing ,
paths of destiny change and fate has bring me to you.
like the flowers bloom, sun roses, sky smiles, birds chipper, you came with this all, filled my soul and heart with colours that i deprived,
but it's a rule that should be remembered,
everything comes has to leave, 
like flowers wither, sun sets, sky cries, birds quiet you got yourself( with so ease) out of my life. 
But no worries as it was my own fault, 
I forgot to remember my own norms.
As i mentioned life is gleeful yet so sorrowful, 
Paths of destiny may change again and fate may have somethin' new to show.

a vagabond.

Copyright © Sristi Verma | Year Posted 2020

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And darling you breathed your last, 
Leaving me alone in cold darkness, 
Your voice haunting me, 
ringing in my ears, 
'until death do us apart'. 

Contest name: Bite Size Poem no 15

Copyright © Sristi Verma | Year Posted 2021


Book: Shattered Sighs