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Best Poems Written by Daphne Brown

Below are the all-time best Daphne Brown poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Feeling my heart heal from the inside, 
Everyone only see's
Perfect, beautiful,flawless,
Only did I and you know,
When you reached inside shredding, 
Leaving it lay concealed.
For you would only know,
The shell stands to perfection,
As you leave, 
Not even a thought,
Never did you turn back.
My eyes couldn't cry,
My words only silence to hear,
Standing lifeless inside my heart.

Copyright © Daphne Brown | Year Posted 2021

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An Angel Amanda

You have given me the gift
That no other could ever give,
That is an angel from heaven,
The gift is you.
Only love of innocence that is unconditional,
Filled with smiles and laughter,
Held within my heart that we both share the key.
You are the reason my eyes can see,
You are the air that makes me breathe.
You were given the day,
So special just as God made you, especially for me.
My daughter who was born,
On the first day of spring.
I give praise and thankfulness,
To you Amanda, for still loving me.
As your mommy and forever your friend,
I will and for eternity, vow to you,
To walk on earth side by side, hand in hand.
When it is said from the heaven's above,
We shall soar through the cloud's,
And the star's in the sky,
Day after day, night after night,
We shall be together,
Throughout infinity.

Copyright © Daphne Brown | Year Posted 2021

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Bring Me

Falling I'm falling to something I don't even know 
reaching scratching
hold on don't let me go
it's not me to save you
you were the one
to make me want to keep my soul
that was thrown away
don't know when
don't know how
your eyes I can only see as your looking
looking back at me
in a dream but this isn't a dream
this is real
death will break my fall
falling I'm falling
reaching screaming your name 
don't let me go I was blind 
only you can save me from this life
for my life to breathe again to live again
you see me don't you
only you can see me
only you know me
save me from my life to begin to live again
to want again
to love my life again
bring me back to life
to feel your heart beating
only you can bring me to life
the one I lost
when you went away
only you can save me
to make me want to keep my soul
half of it is gone
only you
bring it back to me
only you
can make me whole again
as I'm falling
falling crying out your name

Copyright © Daphne Brown | Year Posted 2020

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Only Because of You

The first time we met,
A friendship of truth you offered,
The darkest secrets I kept hidden,
Even from myself.
In an instant I told you everything without haste,
My soul told me you were the only one,
To keep them hidden,
From anyone boundly safe.
Where did you come from,
Of all times now,
Why wasn't it sooner,
Now when only our life is half lived.
Some reason I've known you,
Before the first breath of life hear I am,
Right or wrong,
My words can only speak truth,
Without a thought or possible disappointment,
I can not come to bring myself,
A lie passing my lips,
My heart can only see the truth,
Filling my soul when you look into my eyes,
You already know me,
You see everything about me.
My lows, My highs,
You are the only one,
Who can see the passion I have for life,
If my eyes became blind,
I can see you bright as day,
Bright as the sky,
You feel my needs,
In silence I cry out your name,
As I turn, there you are,
Sound of your voice,
The sight of your face,
As my world is complete,
Only because of you.
Alllowing my love to come into your heart,
Taking me to your magical place,
Only because of you.

Copyright © Daphne Brown | Year Posted 2020

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Save My Life

Today isn't yesterday, if only it was ahead 14 maybe 11 give or take a few less month's
my life can begin to breathe again.
Not watching for shadows coming out the corner of my eye, lay my head down with closing
my eyes.
Not going to nowhere, that's the truth no lie.
I can't even relax my back let alone someone seems everyone in our past from today which
you might as well always live the ongoing repeating yesterday.

Over on the right side cheaters, liar's, busters, leaving while kicking you down.
On the left back stabbers, parasites
A name The Dope Game
It's up to you to spot them out
It's hard my girl had to
read your letter saying this to me
Since my man and you are together are together locked up in the Nevada State penitentiary

Yesterday ends this the light switching onto black maybe once in awhile white to the
world The Dope Game you call it for me today
These back stabbers, parasites, cheaters, liar's stealing to where you have no life
while promising you yes I'll stay alive
The day you walk away from the Nevada state Penitentiary

The night I saw you last, leaving to get your hustle on, your dogs following close behind
June 4this the date I'll never forget, your world became the beginning of your judgment
The world I refused to except
This you always knew
Now thrown in a world, hustle, game
The day I couldn't choose
Let alone lie to you
Now you know a name The Dope Game
Life without security
Now I tasted the salted wound
Learn to survive from the advice you preached to me passing you by on video
92 times to be exact yes I'm still as live.

Copyright © Daphne Brown | Year Posted 2020

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Fallen Angel

Gazing at your face, 
Thought aloud he is the one, 
Who would be a faithful love. 
Started as friends, Became lovers, Now my everything. 
How did this turn wrong. 
Your words I heard truth, Your doubt I saw blind, 
How did this turn wrong. 
Believed Rumors only to be lies, 
Raise of your hand mark my body, 
Anger become to taunt, 
Everything is fine, If only my soul could hide. 
Your voice takes me away, 
Beyond the heavens, Swinging on a star, 
Loving you more than my self, My intentions pure. 
How did this turn wrong. 
Loosing my way to be someone else, 
To keep your love, Loving only me. 
How did this turn wrong. 
An angel asking to be mortal, Granted my wish, 
Your soul how I love. 
How did this turn wrong. 
I face the promise I could not complete, 
A journey without knowing. 
How did this turn wrong. 
I am the fallen angel, Now finding my way, 
I give thanks to you, I felt the pain,
the sorrow, Happiness tears of joy, 
Breathing your love that I know once true.

Copyright © Daphne Brown | Year Posted 2021

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Stars of Love

The moments we shared,
Became memories.
For each one created,
A new star, so perfect, so bright,
Appears in the sky.
A story told, once upon a time,
The fairy tale begins,
As the pages turn by the finger tips of the wind.
For everyone to see,
Now they begin to read.
A love so perfect, so true
You loving me,
Me loving you.
Like the heavens high and above,
Far and beyond any ocean,
We shall never come to the end.

Copyright © Daphne Brown | Year Posted 2020

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There is that special someone
You never let go
Even when they have moved on
Your hurt knows all
The stories, the moments
The past we should let be
Not living in the past
If you do, losing yourself will certain follow

There are times, want to erase
The pain never exist
Knowing you moved on

Happiness seems to linger
So far out of reach
Because of living in the past

Did I love you more than you loved me
Did I not see or choose not to see

Only to wait brings
Brings sadness to deepen
Since you moved on

You say "I'll always love you"
This is why I keep holding on
If only our memory I could erase

This pain, sadness beyond any cure
Losing the path used to be solid beneath my feet

Since you moved on
Did you find happiness with someone new
Now and then do you think of me
Maybe something could be

I had to let you go
This I know

Finding myself living in the past
Sadness deepens beyond my control

Copyright © Daphne Brown | Year Posted 2021

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A Cool October Night

Another summer has come and gone
Fall now begins on this cool October night
Looking forward to the warmth of your arms
For only one more year I must wait
For this will be our last
Being far apart
Without your arms holding me tight
As we used to, while kissing me good night
Tonight my thoughts of you
Memories we create
Come alive with closing my eyes
I can see you bright as day
I can feel your body breathe
While holding me tight
Tonight my dreams come alive
Even if it is only for tonight
Please don't wake me
This dream I never want to end
As I gently close my eyes
You begin to make love to me
Under the star's 
On this cool October night
My dreams of you now come alive

Copyright © Daphne Brown | Year Posted 2021

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Bring Me

Gazing at your face,
Thought aloud he is the one who would be a faithful love. 
Started as friends became lovers now my everything. 
How did this turn wrong. 
Your words I heard truth, 
Your doubt I saw blind, 
How did this turn wrong. 
Believed rumors only to be lies, 
Raise of your hand mark my body, 
Anger become to taunt, 
Everything is fine, If only my soul could hide. 
Your voice takes me away, 
Beyond the heavens swinging on a star, 
Loving you more than my self my intentions pure. 
How did this turn wrong. 
Loosing my way to be someone else, 
To keep your love, loving only me. 
How did this turn wrong. 
An angel asking to be mortal, 
Granted my wish, your soul how I love. 
How did this turn wrong. 
I face the promise I could not complete, 
A journey without knowing. 
How did this turn wrong. 
I am the fallen angel, now finding my way.
I give thanks to you, 
I felt the pain,the sorrow, 
happiness tears of joy, 
Breathing your love that I know once true.

Copyright © Daphne Brown | Year Posted 2021


Book: Reflection on the Important Things