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Best Poems Written by Ojingiri Hannah

Below are the all-time best Ojingiri Hannah poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Pain Is Not Painful

Pain is not painful
Until you fall in love
That moment you feel 
a missing rib in your body
and honey water turns sour
When you wish just for a moment
Of freedom from earth
When your brain can't reason well 
and your eyes can't see well
The time you enter the process
of transition 
From old self to new self
Knowing the reality of life
Knowing that love is not real 
It's a trick to cause you pain
One moment of joy
and years of pains
Love makes you wallow in regret
Where you find yourself in dark corners
Gummed to the wall waiting 
For death to grace your soul
with eternal bliss
And eventually you
fall in love again
Knowing the terrible 
Fate that awiats you

Copyright © Ojingiri Hannah | Year Posted 2019

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Test of Time

There is one life
There is one truth 
You are my angel
But I fail to recognize you

Copyright © Ojingiri Hannah | Year Posted 2019

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She Is a Butterfly

a butterfly
beautiful and sassy
perching on every flowers
in the garden
with a free spirit
and grateful heart
to be 

Date: 08/02/2019
Sponsor : Caren Krutsinger
August Ninette poetry contest

Copyright © Ojingiri Hannah | Year Posted 2019

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There Is No Love Like Your Love

A letter from home to Rome
To my dearest
If i had a secret
It would be that i like facing the same wind as you
You are one of a kind
My save harbor
You color my world with love
You showed me the power of love
Every moment i have spent with you is unforgettable, all remind me of you
You are the music to my ears
My best medicine
You are my friend, my love
More importantly what i love is, i hear your name every time my heart beats
You complete me
Even if the universe crumble
Nothing can move me away from you
Like sparkling diamonds 
Our love will leave a memory in the sky
And a thousand years from now
You and me, our love will remain ever flowing.

Date : 28/07/2019.
Sponsor : Richard Lamoureux.
20 titles from 20 friends.

20 titles.

1. A letter from home to Rome -  Robert ball
2. To my dearest -   Jamila Bestre
3. You complete me -  James Edward Lee sr
4. My friend, my love -  Julie Leigh Rodeheaver
5. Sparkling diamonds -   Joseph May
6. You color my life with love -   Lu Loo
7. You and me -   Aidan Sinclair
8. Music to my ears -   Emile Pinet
9. Move me -   Richard Lamoureux
10. The universe -   Nina Parmenter
11. A thousand years from now -  Carrie Richards 
12. My best medicine -  Andrea Dietrich
13. One of a kind -  Caren Krutsinger 
14. All remind me of you -  Debjani Mitra
15. Power of love -  David Hendricks
16. Safe harbor -  Gregory R. Barden
17. What i love -  Maureen Mcgreary
18. I hear your name - Lyric Man
19. More importantly -  Edward ibeh
20. Ever flowing -  Lydia Langemeier

Copyright © Ojingiri Hannah | Year Posted 2019

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Rapped at the edges of earth ends
My prayers never seem to reach heaven
Where my father’s in spirit and soul lives
The journey of trio, I run infinity
In the place laidly with horse dunk
I lay with my thundering heart hum
The savior and I suffer the same tragedy
I taste death, tortured in life's struggle 
with the crown of disgrace, I carry the cross
In spite of the soreness, I taste the bile
And at the last moment I look up to heaven

Copyright © Ojingiri Hannah | Year Posted 2019

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The Juggernaut

My eyes tell a story 
Do you wanna know?
The tempest and the temptations
Are alive but wasn't enough to trounce me

I'm wild and loyal
Resilient and practical
Church-mindedly ruthless and effervescent
A cheerful giver of love not lust

Smirtle! I make you laugh not cause I care
But to show my brawniness
My prowess as a queendom
Goes without the saying - I rule

Not bard of Homer or Avon
But I write
Your destiny not mine
I'm the juggernaut

Copyright © Ojingiri Hannah | Year Posted 2023

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I Died

I died, and with me all that I had known
My memories and dreams, now turned to dust
The world I loved, now empty and alone
A life once lived, now gone without a fuss

But in the quiet stillness of the night
I hear a voice that whispers in my ear
Your legacy will always shine so bright
For all the love and kindness that you share

And so, though I have left this mortal plane
My spirit lingers on, forevermore
In every heart that I have touched, I reign
A beacon of hope, and love, and more

So let not tears of sorrow cloud your eye
For I am with you, always, in the sky.

Date: 5/1/2023
Contest Name: I died
Sponsor: Craig Cornish

Copyright © Ojingiri Hannah | Year Posted 2023

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Haunted Heart

It’s in the head
The voices no one heard
The screams and yelling of millions nerd
Dragging bodies soak in blood on the ground 
The disgust only my heart could feel in dread 

Illusionary images on wall like pictures in frame
Voices echoing from inside and outside
It is absorbing yet intense
Broken veins loosing blood to parasite

Dead humans lying in stack 
Like chopstick
As heart begin to race and breath is lost 
I begin to doubt

If it’s the day of reckoning  

When all dead 
With or without soul come to life
And bodies’ line in pack
But how do I make my head and heart be in agreement 
To the creation of my false thinking

Copyright © Ojingiri Hannah | Year Posted 2023

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The judge is snoring for victory of my conviction
Every night, I merry in comfort of his spouse
My skin has become a palimpsest of fleeting sensation
And each layer bore the imprint of my Doxie

Instead of a red carpet,  to flaunt my asset
I walk on a green mile, toward an electric chair
With fans on the other edge, cheering my conquest 
I am the champion of the west wing with horsehair

Dawn is here and I must face the light
In a roll of two, I lead
To cast my secrets in light without weight
I always lead, whether it's death or food

Without doubt,  I am the best on earth
I have fans cheering me at death

Copyright © Ojingiri Hannah | Year Posted 2019

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My body crave for love
like a beautiful coloured dove
My heart yearn without end
and all years, I pretend
I'll die If I suppress
my yearning heart in distress
My heart is driven wild
Not slave to pretence anymore
And now, I won't ignore
Love that grows like child


Copyright © Ojingiri Hannah | Year Posted 2019


Book: Shattered Sighs