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Best Poems Written by Julie Luckham

Below are the all-time best Julie Luckham poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Dad, I pray for you now, in your time of passing
My memories, heartfelt and everlasting
Every night, you tucked us into bed with loving care
Now, you're just laying there, while we stroke your hair

Could you feel us all around?
Or could you even hear a sound?
The age of sixty-five was your life expectancy
Your spirit, your will, they could not see

I will remember your younger days
Your dark humor and wild Italian ways
I'll never forget your platform shoes
Hard to walk in with too much booze

Without them, you were shorter than your wife
Without them, in the car, could be your life
I will never forget the Moose Hall
Drinking, eating, and having a ball

"Twist And Shout" by Chuck Berry was our favorite song
Every time it was played, we always danced along
They can never take my memories away
It matters no more what they say

Copyright © Julie Luckham | Year Posted 2018

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The Pusher Man

Well it all started out as a real good time
Until we're all talking at the same time
Each acting out our own radical behavious
Chaos and confusion to meet us later

As sure as the clock's time on the wall
Progressive addictions will make us fall
Forever, the pot calls the kettle black
Integrity and respect, are qualities they lack

Family or not; it's the cons of the cons
Sure as the sun rises; a deal's going on
Each jewing the other down
They all look like circus clowns

We can't wait for the final show
Most likely to end up in some blow
What an easy way to make a living
First ones always for the giving

Just enough to reel us in
Do they care that it's a sin
They know no other way of life
Living off other's grief and strife

Why do we let them do this to us?
All of us, family caught in the fuss
Is that all they see is money?
Their greedy lives; it isn't funny

They may end up all alone
Finding conversation on the phone
To you, nobody will want to talk
They'll tell you; take a walk

Copyright © Julie Luckham | Year Posted 2018

Details | Julie Luckham Poem

My Sweet Childhood Memories

When I was only a small child
Your temperament so mild
You worked, each and every day
Whether at home, or away

Nicknamed your little toadslies every day
We always listened to what you had to say
Black-Eye'd Susie was my nickname
Didn't matter to me; all the same

Of onions and garlic, you often smelt
Tucking us in; on your knees you knelt
You brought us Smarties every night!
Laura and I held it in our sights

We even saved the red ones last
For us; it was a real blast
From a baby to a girl, how fast you grew
Shared more than Smarties, she already knew

What our time together meant
Not borrowed, but spent
I hope I see Laura more
Your love; I adore, evermore

Copyright © Julie Luckham | Year Posted 2018

Details | Julie Luckham Poem

Raging Time

Patience and length of time does more than force and rage
This I have come to learn with age
Repeating destructive patterns, like an LP skipping
Over my own radical behaviour I am tripping

Drug and alcohol counselling and 2 self-help courses
Listening to opinions and different voices
Repeated destructive behavior to me abounds
Every 1 to 5 years is what I have found

Increased awareness of my lifelong battle
Need to get back in the saddle
On and off the wagon I get
Repeated patterns with men I'v met

Don't want to go back anymore
It only makes my kidneys sore
At times emotions and feelings nieve
Wondering at times, what I really believe

Trapped in a teenage headspace
Quite often feeling out of place
Escaping reality and visits with the ex
Who knows what will happen next?

To lessen choices and chances
As well as any new romances
Working everyday becomes a must
No time for fun, love or lust

Almighty dollar we chase in haste
There is no more time to waste
It seems in life, we have time or money
Rarely both, seems kind of funny

We laugh, lest we cry
All we can do is try
Grief and anger turns to rage
It can happen at any age

Fears and anxieties I do fear
Never fading year after year
We must put it in God's hands, in his grace
Patience will put karma and them in their place

Relentlessly come, neverendingly go
It would be more fun to see a picture show
Time and money, endlessly competing
Like a garden needing endless weeding

In life, we must find a balance
Lest we're left hanging in the valance
Deciding, is it a want or a need?
Never get caught up in the greed

Copyright © Julie Luckham | Year Posted 2018

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Halloween Night

October 30, 2018

Well the shoppers are all out 
Already in costume wandering about
Buying up candy and chocolate bars
Trick or treating under the stars

What will the costumes be this year?
Make us laugh and bring some cheer
Some of the yards will be quite frightening
And some will be most enlightening

Shedding some light on Halloween
And what it truly means
Witches, ghouls, goblins, and pumpkins too
Hope they don't put a spell on you

Honoring the dead in such a way
Bidding good-byes to them today
Is what they say it truly means
To go and celebrate Halloween

To honor death is somewhat strange
Maybe even a little deranged
Why do people truly celebrate this night?
Some think it's wrong and some think it's right!

Copyright © Julie Luckham | Year Posted 2018

Book: Shattered Sighs