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Best Poems Written by Francesca Pappadogiannis

Below are the all-time best Francesca Pappadogiannis poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Angel Sent

Two years ago, when I was down,
I’d lost my father to cancer found.
My life was empty and full of pain,
I never thought I would feel again.

One night I awoke to a startling sight.
Thought I was dreaming or left on the light.
A kaleidoscope of colors seen glorious in the dark,
I couldn’t tear my eyes away and felt my beating heart.

The room became brighter, my body began to shake,
And then a clearer image unfolded before my wake.
Its wings were spanned far out, from wall to wall to wall,
A celestial image revealed itself, in a display of heavenly awe.

Then in a perfect higher pitch, I heard a heavenly sound.
I couldn’t tell just what it said but I knew it was profound,
And as it happened, in the moment, I felt my body ground,
For a radiant heat of golden light released my pain unbound.

To this day I stay amazed by what I saw and felt.
The fact that I was free from pain right then and there I knelt.
I Thanked God in heaven for this miracle that I obtained,
For the Angel that he sent me, gave me strength to live again.

03 August 2018
Sponsor: Emile Pinet

Copyright © Francesca Pappadogiannis | Year Posted 2018

Details | Francesca Pappadogiannis Poem



As the dusk summons twilight,
The sky deepens its colors.
It gathers the quiet as it demands an audience.

Transparently slow and thickening light,
Sends out a scented chill, so slight, and at will,
While the land below prepares for its darkness.

It's colors of golden, red, brown and yellow,
Submerge together in its mellow haze of lines,
And with its swift action diminishes the sun.

What beauty beholds us a gaze to its sight,
A magnificent artwork for a moment or time,
But it too shall pass with a blink of an eye.

For dusk will begrudge dawn,
With the passing hours of its shadow moon,
A partial absence of sight, I bid you a good night.

date of poem  24 July 2018

Copyright © Francesca Pappadogiannis | Year Posted 2018

Details | Francesca Pappadogiannis Poem

Shall I Not Be Afraid

If I weren’t afraid I’d forage ahead,
Run through the forest like a wild boar, red!
I’d crush all the foliage barefoot and bled,
Never looking backwards, but focused ahead.
I’d wait for the darkness for its better to hide,
From the trailing vultures circling my life.
Then I’d make a wildfire and attract all that be,
While I run for my life from sprint to a spree!
I would stop just at dawn-
Surveying the track I had worn,
No direction insight into the path I might right,
But come just a feeling, a strength from my gut,
Shall I not be afraid to stride forward my strut!

Date: 9 September 2019
Sponsored by:  Line Gauthier

Copyright © Francesca Pappadogiannis | Year Posted 2019

Details | Francesca Pappadogiannis Poem

I Know the Land Where the Lemon-Trees Flower

I know the land where the lemon-trees flower

I know the land where the lemon-trees flower,
I have seen their fruit over landscapes, tower.
The trees grow wild here because they are free,
I have run on its pathways and drank from its streams.

I know the land where the lemon-trees flower,
It was the place where I kissed him, it was my finest hour.
We laughed and we cuddled amongst the yellow showers,
And sat on the soiled ground that nurtured its flowers.

I know the land where the lemon-trees flower
For it was the same place where our love grew sour.
We had forgotten our purpose, and why we had met,
As it all fell to pieces that winter after next.

But like the life cycle of nature so strong,
We fixed all our mishaps and where we went wrong.
This story I tell to all I encounter,
I know the land where the lemon-trees flower.

24th July 2018

"Pretty Poem Please"  Julia Ward

Copyright © Francesca Pappadogiannis | Year Posted 2018

Details | Francesca Pappadogiannis Poem

Stupid Fool

Stupid fool look at yourself what has your knowledge gained!
No forward motion or healthy growth,
Just some poor intellect pouring out of a grumpy man.
What perseverance do you follow upon your stagnated road?
Or do you push from opposite sides until your viewpoints lost!
Your grimness stirs my sanity and boils my blood in clumps,
I cannot take one look at you and please my mind with peace.
Just for once would you stop and listen, to another’s way of thinking,
And leave your rigidity at the door because I am tired of your two cents worth.
This intransigence you cloak your words with, pierce every soul you meet,
You bleed the life out of every thought and every encountered dialogue.
The utter pigheadedness of your verbal contributions,
Bring nothing but stalemate,
And one day soon or perhaps it won’t, be the death of your legacy!

Date of Poem:  15 July 2019

Sponsored by: John Hamilton

Copyright © Francesca Pappadogiannis | Year Posted 2019

Details | Francesca Pappadogiannis Poem



What are Mondays for, but manic,
Always waking up in a panic!
Never succeeding to get right out bed,
Turning alarm clocks off, contemplating calling in dead!

Stumbling off to the bathroom with haste,
Demanding, “Get out it’s my turn, make space!”
Realizing that I have nothing to wear,
I should have bought that darn outfit at Claire’s!

Running downstairs at a clumsy paced speed,
Gulping down breakfast of toast, eggs, and cheese.
Catching the mirror on my way out,
Noticing no make-up to put on a pout!

Opening the door as the clock chimed past eight.
Oh, what was this all for, I will be nothing but late!
Standing there contemplating excuses in my head,
Justified that I may as well go back to my bedroom instead!

29 July 2018

Copyright © Francesca Pappadogiannis | Year Posted 2018

Details | Francesca Pappadogiannis Poem

Cutie Cat

Cute as a button with elegant stances,
Tip-toes so quietly then bravely prances.
Gracefully manicured, an art of purr-fection,
Is seen for a second then changes direction.

So fiery and spunky and lively at play,
Loves pizza and pasta and tuna, if made!
Is clumsy and silly, and loves to climb trees,
Affectionate and mellow and purrs when at ease.

Takes long naps and short laps and hides.
Is known for its granted nine lives.
Independent and needy at will.
Loves freedom and couch time to chill.

Amusingly funny and shy.
Neurotic, mysterious and sly.
Furry and snuggly and smart.
Cats are family-friendly with class!

08 August 2018
Sponsor:  Tania Kitchin

Copyright © Francesca Pappadogiannis | Year Posted 2018

Details | Francesca Pappadogiannis Poem

Our First Baby

Our First Baby

I look in the mirror, who have I become?
The woman I was, shall soon be a Mum.
My figure so round, so awkward, deprived,
But the little one inside keeps my confidence alive.

I worry so much about the mother I will be,
Would I be perfect for this little he or she?
Have I everything I need, from nappies to bibs?
Oh gosh, did I make a mistake with the choice of the crib!

I find myself, crying and laughing in one,
I knew this was expected for an expecting Mum,
But regardless of what lies ahead now for me,
I know I will love you no matter what, you’ll see.

I look at my wife, I see her so calm,
Will I be that father, who can do no harm?
Do I have the strength to help It strive?
Will he or she take over our lives?

Oh, so much I fear, the worry just grows,
Do you think my wife see this, do you think she knows?
The concerns of finance, are we financial sound?
I was told to expect this, a growing mound.

But when she turns to me and her eyes are a smile,
I know I can do this, I have got this somehow.
The start of our family, my wife, baby and me,
Nothing unexpectant can take this from me.

date of poem 24 July 2018
Our first baby was born on the 9th September 2018

Copyright © Francesca Pappadogiannis | Year Posted 2018

Details | Francesca Pappadogiannis Poem

My Five Senses

My Five Senses

For someone with synaesthesia,
I am just quite dumbfounded,
In understanding all my five senses,
That leaves me buzzing, ungrounded!

You see, it’s not very clear,
As to why this does happen,
But I see, hear, smell, taste and touch things,
As if they’re quite apparent.

I see things in color,
Like words, numbers, and notes.
Which often leaves me in a blunder,
To quote or unquote!

I taste more than just food,
Like air, space and mood,
And often compare it,
To a summer in June.

I hear most things out loud,
Like smell touch and crowds,
For where there is one, the others are around.
And often they all blend together somehow.

So, what’s simply the norm for her, them, and you,
Are just all my five senses, demanding a cue.
And if ever you meet me or another as similar,
Don’t bother to question, because for us it's quite familiar.

Date of poem 25 July 2018

Copyright © Francesca Pappadogiannis | Year Posted 2018

Details | Francesca Pappadogiannis Poem

Up In Heaven

Someone whispered once to me
You see up there, up there we’re free
We cannot see it or know its gate
But it’s from down here we live to wait
And when its time, our time to go
Up there to heaven is where we’ll blow
Towards the light, our spirits shall ride
To a magical heaven where hierarchies abide
Its spiritual radiance of all that is calm
A place of celestial divinity as sited in psalms
Just perfect and beautiful and gloriously pure
With magnificent colours that heal all obscured
Souls of the past of future of present
Working together in love light and inerrant
With unicorns and Angels and all that is free
And one day amongst them soon to be me.

26 August 2018
Sponsor: Faraz Ajmal

Copyright © Francesca Pappadogiannis | Year Posted 2018


Book: Shattered Sighs