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System Poems - Poems about System

System Poems - Examples of all types of poems about system to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for system.
Addressed before End of the System
Dear Me, Back from 100th century here's a secret you'll never reget You stay strong survive the tribulation it won't take long Until fulfillment of revelation Jehovah prepared A kingdom and army Don't be scared He rewards our loyalty This is a preview Of...Read the rest...
Categories: system, bible, blessing, christian, future,
Form: Free verse
The Beastly System
Life shattered by the state merciless and heavy handed... It may seem as if a fate threw you here to be stranded. All alone with your sorrow, with the grief stamped on your soul for today and tomorrow, with no person to...Read the rest...
Categories: system, abuse, care, heartbroken, jesus,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Delayed Justice
Delayed justice is better than no justice. The world will always be round. Facts cannot be altered; prejudice Is a major impediment to reach sound Justice. Justice is all we want, Fairness is what we fight for, Justice is what we...Read the rest...
Categories: system, abuse, america, betrayal, corruption,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Justice system
Everyone nowadays is guilty until proven innocent...Read the rest...
Categories: system, life,
Form: Monoku
On Whom The System Prey's
When at dusk are cast by towers tall, Where power thrives, the weak must crawl. A system built on whispered lies, With polished smiles and hidden spies. Beneath the weight of gilded dreams, The fragile soul forever screams. Yet hope persists...Read the rest...
Categories: system, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme

The Biggest jerk in the Solar System
During yoga lessons, learnt the 'Surya Namaskara' pose 'Surya' as in Sun and 'Namaskara' as in salutation So I just said hello to the sun? But the sun did not say anything back! Well that's rude Someone tell him that...Read the rest...
Categories: system, humor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member the world's road system
highways and byways roads that lead to no man's land twists and turns galore...Read the rest...
Categories: system, travel,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member In the shadow of the system, I withdraw in silence
In the shadow of the system, I withdraw in silence, Watching as the sky effortlessly weaves the white of clouds. To the vast game of the world, I do not bow but smile faintly, Let the masks fall...Read the rest...
Categories: system, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
America Needs A Multiparty System Rant
Grandstanders are crooks as far I can tell Some grandstanders aren’t what can I say A mixed system is needed I do yell Dems weak and do zip homie. did foretell Biden’s Israel mid-east plan good. I...Read the rest...
Categories: system, america, angst, political,
Form: Villanelle
System Error
What do you want? Type "Peace" and click "Enter". What else do you want? I gave you everything you want in life. Seeing people in elevated view. Thoughts of unknowing human traits. And the concept telling us what is the meaning. And...Read the rest...
Categories: system, beautiful, body, conflict, devotion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The buddy system
Being alone sucks everyone needs a buddy you want to be mine...Read the rest...
Categories: system, friend,
Form: Senryu
The System
In shadows cast by Western might, The System whispers, a colonial blight. 1. Shatter morals, a cultural fray, where heritage falters, lost in dismay. Reduced to echoes of a proud past, ...Read the rest...
Categories: system, africa, analogy, black african
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Solar Parody System
Abandoned Yellow Star, Existential apostle. Solar flares haunt outworlds, "I'm It, you're not." Mercury, Mary's star loved from afar. Hot but not the hottest star. A tiny lifeless star. Venus will have more sunlight in her hair. Acid clouds, corrosive ground. A great...Read the rest...
Categories: system, allusion, analogy, extended metaphor,
Form: Kimo
God Against the System
It is God against the system Be still It is God against the system The pain of rejection Through human hands cannot stop the Lord’s purpose The pain of isolation cannot stop a man's purpose The situation seems impossible but According to...Read the rest...
Categories: system, jesus,
Form: Free verse
The System
The system is breaking their backs; the system is stealing their frock. I woke up this morning in the midnight hours after taking a nap for only one hour, I had no appointment or assignment,. I...Read the rest...
Categories: system, blessing, business, conflict, corruption,
Form: Prose

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