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Rhyme School Poems

These Rhyme School poems are examples of School poems about Rhyme. These are the best examples of School Rhyme poems written by international poets.

Premium Member My Favorite Elementary School Teacher
As the yellow-orange  sun  slowly rises
Memories of your class's  fun  flood my heart
Thoughts  run  to your teaching and enterprises


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Categories: school, 2nd grade,

Premium Member From Rhyme To Shine
In elementary days, I struggled with my tests,
Failing or just passing, never performing at my best.
The night before exams, I’d read over and over again,

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Categories: school, self,

Premium Member Poisoned Apple

   The Poisoned Apple sent to me,
   Drives me crazy!

   Stocked with futility.

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© Kim Stone  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: school, 1st grade, 2nd grade,

Premium Member The Learning Home
The tower nestled tween the brick and mortar,
as morning showers light upon the dome.
When up the hill the children bring their treasures,
to enter their beloved...

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Categories: appreciation, joy, memory, school,

I prayed for you,
A thousand times, in a thousand ways.
But every single moment,
I recounted the days.

Never have I ever forgot to pray.
For which I tried...

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© RED POETRY  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: school, angel, butterfly, crush, cry,

Premium Member High School Memories Two Drive ins
High School Memories
(Two Drive-ins)
By Franklin Price

It matters not how old we are
Or who we have become
We won't forget the friends we had
In the high school...

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Categories: car, girlfriend, high school,

Premium Member PLAY SCHOOL
        Toddlers studying in the Play School,
         handling toys sitting...

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Categories: school, appreciation,

Premium Member Outside The Beltway Thoughts On Chiefs vs Ravens September 5, 2024
Edgar my dear 
Why do you have that spear 
Is that your plan?
When in a jam? 
Scare the bloody Kansas City yellow and red 

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Categories: school, football, funny, games, grave,

Premium Member Back To School
Early September rain 
A dampened sidewalk, 
Wet leaves lead me back
To blackboards and chalk

The wood of the desks
Cupboards along the wall,
Fresh, clean and simple 

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Categories: school, 4th grade, class, kid,

Snow Day
The cat jumps off the bed.
I wish he would wake her up instead.
I sneak in.
I almost trip over a bin.
Why am I being quiet now?

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Categories: school,

Feelings For Her
My heart beats fast, my soul feels alive
When I see you, my love, my heart thrives
In two short years, you'll leave my sight
Leaving me with...

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Categories: school, 10th grade, 11th grade,

2 Years Left
two years from now, you'll leave my sight
My secret love, my heart's delight
I'll hide my tears, and smile so wide
But deep inside, my heart will...

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Categories: school, 10th grade, 11th grade,

In September
In the hued month of September
When the sun begins to wane
The world is filled with splendor
And the earth is bathed in flame

The leaves begin to...

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Categories: autumn, school, september,

Premium Member Silence Of The Lambs At School
The school bell rang and out they came, fiddling,
all the while, a bright sunny smile bursting,
out in the playground then contemplating,
what more fun and games...

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: school, appreciation, cheer up, children,

Premium Member school is no longer a good place
school was my earthly life for longer than most
I taught until I was seventy-two, my brain now toast
today was the first day of school I...

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Categories: school, teacher,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things