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Haiku History Poems

These Haiku History poems are examples of History poems about Haiku. These are the best examples of History Haiku poems written by international poets.

Future echo
 Listen to the past
It will echo the future
No one listens tho

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Categories: deep, future, history,

Premium Member bridge to virginia
watch out for mothman 
his beady red eyes shine bright 
towering the bridge...

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Categories: history,

Bible Account
Under Dead Sea lies
Two wicked cities buried
Sodom, Gomorrah....

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Categories: bible, gospel, history, sin,

Knowledge honed by time
Copernicus theory vouge
Being receive now....

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Categories: appreciation, education, history, wisdom,

The power of man
Will come and go like storm
Strong, yet, it fades....

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Categories: history, meaningful, perspective, truth,

People's Power
People hire leaders
Force comes if there's travesty
People fire leaders....

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Categories: history, people, political, power,

China is kowtow
The Great Wall was created
By true loyalty....

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Categories: character, creation, culture, history,

Jeans were invented
Meant to be taken all day
Not to striptease....

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Categories: culture, engagement, history, perspective,

Premium Member from here to there
fabled desert land
mere whisper of what once was …
humble Timbuktu...

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© Mark Toney  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: africa, history, mystery, time,

Premium Member Expansion
event horizon
revealing outer limit
of singular force

swirling cosmic dust
genesis of star’s being
clouds stellar ceiling

space lying between
all that can be felt or seen
formed that which has been


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© Ng Rippel  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: creation, history, life, science,

Noodles Origin
Noodles is China
Their life's main staple food
Centuries old, Brah!...

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Categories: culture, food, history, people,

Pool History
Ace Efren savvy
Did the fantastic z-shot
In pool history....

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Categories: career, character, history, sports,

Last Moment Of Pompeii
Sweet moment recall
Laughter behind porticos
During Pompeii's fall....

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Categories: history, horror, people, places,

Snail Soup Menu
Snail soup cook raw
An Asian delicacy
Exotic menu....

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Categories: engagement, food, history, people,

Human kills human
For natural selection
Think, is it humane?...

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Categories: creation, culture, history, humanity,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things