Being Friendly
How hard can it be to say hello,
to a stranger on the street!
To smile and say " how are you”,
to anyone you meet?
It sure can't hurt to be polite,
or lend a helping hand,
to give a friendly word of cheer,
and respect your fellow man.
Be friendly toward your neighbor,
don’t try to shut him out!
Peaceful co-existence,
that’s what life is all about.
You can turn a frown into a smile,
by just the words you say,
like “please” or “thank you very much”,
or “have a real nice day”!
Sometimes a friendly gesture,
or a little word of praise,
is all it takes to bring that smile,
it’s true - you’d be amazed!
Remember the times you were off somewhere,
in an unfamiliar place,
how much better it made you feel,
when you saw a smiling face?
If you apply the Golden Rule,
to all you say and do,
you’ll talk to others just the way,
you’d have them talk to you.
We're in this world together
and will be till we die.
We can't make friends with everyone,
but it wouldn't hurt to try!
Copyright © Ralph Taylor | Year Posted 2010
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