Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.
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Enter Poem or Quote (Required)Required It was morning when my cat Fluffy meowed a warning for on our porch was a stray cat his fur a tattered mat but his one blue eye spoke to me . . . and my heart broke. Oh, how he growled and hissed too late, for my soul had been kissed and each day "Grumpy Cat" was on my porch waiting yet, I could not catch him and that was very frustrating ! Finally, I was able to catch him and bring him inside my home. He never left. A bath revealed a brown tabby. We developed a bond so deep and meaningful and I have lots of stories to tell. The years passed too quickly and soon Grumpy was a very old cat, feeble and weak, until his last day in my arms and with tears and a kiss I had to let go. I was cold and scared, rejected by the world, shivering on your covered porch; but you did not chase me away but you brought me food, at first I hissed a lot, so you named me Grumpy cat ! Eventually, we shared unconditional love each moment. You cannot save me mommy, I suffer from old age. I love you. Will be waiting at the end of rainbow bridge ! As I draw my last breath I am within your shining love ... First Draft 2012, Been trying to write this since.
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