Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.
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Enter Poem or Quote (Required)Required Anne-Lise Andresen- "Hugs" Anisha Dutta- "Sweet Lady" Beata Agustin- "Spiritual" Bill Baker- "Friend from Texas" Brandy Nicole- "Whispers & Scribbles" Brian Sambourne- "One of my Canadian besties" Brian Sand- Contest #10,000 (lol)-keep 'em coming, Brian! Carolyn Devonshire- "Sweet Caroline" (R.I.P. dear Carolyn) Christina Bowring- "Hugs & Smiles" Constance la France- "Cats" Craig Cornish- "Need a dictionary" Daniel Turner- "Great scrabble player- better poet" (lol) Darlene De Beaulieu- "Hello Mr. Messina" - (needs to fix avatar-lol) Deb M- "Debx" Emile Pinet- "Gifting his books" Eve Roper- Nursey Rhymes" Gershon Wolf- "The great philosopher" Gregory Barden- "The Bard" Hilo Poet- "Aloha" I Am Anaya- "Cool" Ink Empress- "Ink Princess" Jan Allison- "Best for a laugh" JCB Brul- "Never won her contests (lol) John Hamilton- "Lyrics" John Lawless- "WTFWT" John Watt- "Word master" Joseph May- "Love his contests" Julia Ward- Never won her contests either (lol) Kim Rodriguez- "Nature" Lady Labyrinth- "Deep" Line Gauthier- "Short and sweet" Maria Williams- "My dear Aussie" Michael Tor- "My brother from another mother" Mike Gentile- "Caring" Milton Hankins- "Missing him" Mystic Rose Rose- "Flowers, flowers" Panagiota Romios- "Pangie, the S.F. kid" Paula Goldsmith- "A lovely read/write" Quoth The Raven- "The Birds" Regina McIntosh- "Love, Gina" Richard Lamoureux- "His lovely wife" Robert Hinshaw- "The poem I wrote for his wife" Robert James Liguori- "Marvel" Sam Kaufman- The finest bus driver poet I ever knew" Sandra Haight- "My Jersey gal" Sara Baker- "Bill's lovely wife" Sara Kendrick- "Thanks for sharing" Silent One- "Silence" (Rumi) Sotto Poet- "Admirable" Susan Ashley- "Warmest wishes" Suzette Delaney- "The poem I wrote about her avatar eye" Suzette Richards- "Can't do her contests, too hard (lol) Tania Kitchin- "Haiku's" Tom Cunningham- "Great story teller" Tom Watt- "Another word master" Tom Woody- "Reminds me of Milton- for some reason" Unseeking Seeker- "The Seeker" Valsa George- "Blessings" Victor Buhagiar- "Missing his wife" Vijay Pandit- "Imagery and Imagination" Winged Warrior- "The great alliteration'er"- (R.I.P. John)
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