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Dejan Stojanovic Poems

A collection of select Dejan Stojanovic famous poems that were written by Dejan Stojanovic or written about the poet by other famous poets. PoetrySoup is a comprehensive educational resource of the greatest poems and poets on history.

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by Stojanovic, Dejan
Tell me something less significant, 
Something about our biology, for instance, 
About what you hear while sitting under the tree, 
About lonely lions in the prairies; 
Forget decorated generals; 
Tell me about Private Ryan, 
Tell me something only you know
And make a new friend. ...Read more of this...

by Stojanovic, Dejan
I see a new star on the horizon; 
It's not the Morning Star; 
It's a star without light.
This star without the light is the brightest
Because its light stays within. 
The biggest star doesn't take any space; 
It lives within, 
Feeds all other stars, all other matter. 
Without space, there is no time, 
Without time, there is no aging, 
Without aging,...Read more of this...

by Stojanovic, Dejan
To find the hidden place 
Longing freely to explore 
Break obstacles and recognize 
Invisible sparks emanating 
From the deserved discovery 
Of nothing between us 
Shining longing only 
Wakening stars in the Garden 
Witnessing the birth of new landscapes, 
Future cities and temples 
Hearing new stories, falling 
From the fountains of the secret art 
All old sounds and colors reviving 
And...Read more of this...

by Stojanovic, Dejan
That star in the night sky 
Is not there anymore
But we see it and will see it
For millions of years yet to come.
Did the star die? 
Did it live? 
In life, we call this phenomenon
A ghost, a hallucination.
(Is life a ghost too?) 
What if the star never lived? 
Or maybe its death dies
While the star continues to live, 
Cheating death
With...Read more of this...

by Stojanovic, Dejan
From where do simplicity and ease 
In the movement of heavenly bodies derive? 
It is precision.
 Sun is never late to rise upon the Earth, 
Moon is never late to cause the tides, 
Earth is never late to greet the Sun and the Moon; 
Thus accidents are not accidents 
But precise arrivals at the wrong right time.
 Love is almost...Read more of this...

by Stojanovic, Dejan
There can be no forced inspiration, 
But there can be mergers with the world

There can be a flowing of feelings
Quiet, yet overwhelming

Flying outside to unite
Flying inside to find

The melody of the moment
When the yellow corona appears on the horizon

And blue light appears over the mountain
And the world becomes mellow

Hospitable and generous, 
And you fly into the heart of the mountain

To...Read more of this...

by Stojanovic, Dejan
There is a moonlight note
In the Moonlight Sonata; 
There is a thunder note
In an angry sky.

Sound unbound by nature
Becomes bounded by art.
There is no competition of sounds
Between a nightingale and a violin.

Nature rewards and punishes
By offering unpredictable ways; 
Art is apotheosis; 
Often, the complaint of beauty.

Nature is an outcry, 
Unpolished truth; 
The art—a euphemism— 
Tamed wilderness. ...Read more of this...

by Stojanovic, Dejan
Dust to dust, 
Ashes to ashes. 
Is that all? ...Read more of this...

by Stojanovic, Dejan
My feelings are too loud for words 
And too shy for the world. 
Read the light and have a dream 
In your hidden garden. 
No need for words. 

The words are but shadows 
Of stories never said, 
Shining from distant kingdoms, 
Reminding you of a forgotten home. 

Light rays will tell you the story. 
There is another alphabet 
Whispering from...Read more of this...

by Stojanovic, Dejan
I love the new sounds of love; 
Only the new cures an old love.

Watching the love making of waves and the shore
I desire to be the wave of love. 

There is no real hate in quarrels,
Only stupidity and lack of love.

The Sun shone upon me
And I shone upon the world with love.

I fly through memory
To find a newborn love.

Sing to...Read more of this...

by Stojanovic, Dejan
Trying too hard to be too good, 
Even when trying to be bad, 
Is too good for the bad 
Too bad for the good. 

Perfection seems sterile; 
It is final, no mystery in it; 
It's a product of an assembly line. 

To accomplish the perfect perfection, 
A little imperfection helps.
...Read more of this...

by Stojanovic, Dejan
Entering a cell, penetrating deep 
As a flying saucer 
To find a new galaxy 
Would be an honorable task 
For a new scientist interested 
More in the inner state of the soul 
Than in outer space.
...Read more of this...

by Stojanovic, Dejan
If an ancient man saw planes two thousand years ago 
He would've thought they were birds 
Or angels from another world 
Or messengers from other planets. 

Every new machine would have surprised him— 
The car, TV, radio, phone, camera. 
He would've thought he was a savage 
Who didn't understand. 

If he saw a computer, 
Watching people talking on the internet,...Read more of this...

by Stojanovic, Dejan
Lie on the ground and listen to the grass, 
Hear the silent signals from outer space, 
Dream by making and make by dreaming, 
Feel what the trees bathed in sunlight feel, 
Gaze far to see the sea-gull emerging from the sea, 
Imagine that today is the birth of the world and greet it, 
Greet the old bird. 
...Read more of this...

by Stojanovic, Dejan
Is there ever a true moment of silence? 
There can be no such moment 
Unless we should move 
To the world before the world. 

Since nothing is absolute 
There is no absolute silence, 
Only an appearance 
Of temporary peace. 

Since there is no real silence, 
Silence will contain all the sounds, 
All the words, all the languages, 
All knowledge, all...Read more of this...

by Stojanovic, Dejan
It is not possible to say more than it is possible. 
Ambition kills value; if unjustified it will 
Eat its own life, 
Kill someone else's desire to fly, 
Cut their wings, suck their air. 
Get out, but don't cause unneeded accidents; 
There is only as much space, only as much time, 
Only as much desire, only as many words, 
Only...Read more of this...

by Stojanovic, Dejan
The most complicated skill 
Is to be simple. 

To say more while saying less 
Is the secret of being simple. 

To not say all that can be said 
Is the secret of discipline and economy. 

To leave out beautiful sunsets 
Is the secret of good taste. 

To hide feelings when you are near crying 
Is the secret of dignity. 

To...Read more of this...

by Stojanovic, Dejan
I imagined I was a mountain 
Then I became a cloud over that mountain 
Lightning and thunder pummeled the mountain 
Pierced the heart of the earth, 
Becoming lava and exploding as a volcano. 

I imagined I was a star 
Light traveling into space 
Then I grew as a tree 
With leaves of galaxies eating the light 
Becoming the angel of...Read more of this...

by Stojanovic, Dejan
To hear never-heard sounds, 
To see never-seen colors and shapes, 
To try to understand the imperceptible 
Power pervading the world; 
To fly and find pure ethereal substances 
That are not of matter 
But of that invisible soul pervading reality. 
To hear another soul and to whisper to another soul; 
To be a lantern in the darkness 
Or an umbrella in...Read more of this...

by Stojanovic, Dejan
Our desires flew like birds in the mornings 
When we were waked by the bells of dreams 
Hypnotized and ready for another round of living 

We would walk down the street of a foreign city mesmerized 
By our own history seen on the streets and in the gardens 
Filled with exotic flowers and the grass; you loved the grass 

You...Read more of this...

Book: Reflection on the Important Things