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Decimus Magnus Ausonius

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Decimius Magnus Ausonius (ca. 310 – ca. 395) was a Latin poet and teacher of rhetoric at Burdigala (Bordeaux, France ). For a time he was tutor to the future emperor Gratian, who afterwards bestowed the Consulship on him. His best-known poems are Mosella, a description of the river Moselle, and Ephemeris, an account of a typical day in his life. His many other verses show his concern for his family, friends, teachers and circle of well-to-do acquaintances, and his delight in the technical handling of meter.

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Here are a few random quotes by Decimus Magnus Ausonius.

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Quote Left Forgive many things in others; nothing in yourself. Quote Right
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Quote Left Propaganda is the art of persuading others of what you don't believe yourself. Quote Right
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Quote Left Truth is the mother of hatred. Quote Right
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Quote Left Nothing more detestable does the earth produce than an ungrateful man. Quote Right
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Quote Left Forgive many things in others nothing in yourself. Quote Right
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things