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What Drove Them To Become a Poet


Poems and Poetry have been a favorite topic for those who like it and indulge themselves in reading and finding out new upcoming poetry from their favorite poets. Generally, youth from every nation or region has not by birth interest toward poetry.

Observation: Immature and careless guys are of less aware of insights of poetry.

As one grows and heads to his maturity, he somewhere listens about poetry, received text from somewhere, or listened to an audio and it puts then a stamp inside and that is the point. That, exactly is the point which sits in conscience and germinates interest for poetry.

Although, poetry is included inside chapters of students' text books but that is not the thing which can build interest of poetry in students, definitely. However, children have been reading childish poems throughout their school lives but that is till the point until they are reading it as in their syllabus. And, when most of the students pass out matriculation and enter their Intermediate levels, they start building up their interest towards a major field that they think of as their future profession. Nobody, from the schools or colleges like to be a poet and it is the personal and individual's interest that we see upcoming poets. They use their natural artistic skill of writing and walk their pens on the paper.

Most of the poets that have earned fame were poets due to some incidents they saw in their lives. Some belonged to very poor families; some were ditched by their loves, and similar stories. For example one of well known poet of Urdu language, Mirza Ghalib famous for saying sad and tragedy #poetry suffered from many problems in his life such as meagerness of finance, his poor health etc. and in that situation he pen wrote out many pieces of poetry full of sadness.

Further speaking about Gnesippus who is a well known Greek Poet famous for writing tragic poetry due to worries and tragedies he faced. Another well known tragic poet from the land of Greece was Phrynichus - A recognized tragic poet - He earned several awards for his great work for writing poetry and some drama as well.

Most of the poets passed have been striving to make realization of injustices, poverty, highhandedness, and such bitter realities which they seen since they grew. Poets shout to build awareness in the society, among the people and their endeavors somehow played the part toward betterment.

History is full of such poets and their citations and if we discuss more, there is an endless number of words to write.

There is a lot of research and perusal that can be made but it needs time with plenty however I intend to make further research on the lives of poets highlighting memoirs of those legendary writing artists.

Some awesome pieces of sad urdu poetry have been accrued on this site. May be the poetry of your choice can be found at:

And besides, please keep encouraging poets as those who are imminent to be a poet must be seen as a poet.

Book: Shattered Sighs