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The Time In Between Seasons

Poet's Notes

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time between seasons passes slow Impatient we are as leaf buds grow Carefree summer takes her time A sudden chill - unwanted snow As slowly the sun begins to climb time between seasons passes slow Crocuses bloom announcing Snowdrops Daffodils come as a sudden surprise Azaleas flower as bright as lollipops Forsythias glow like a golden sunrise time between seasons passes slow Idle leaves deepen in rustic tones Sun fires the chameleon call of fall Scent of smoke - autumn chill condones All is golden to enthrall time between seasons passes slow No longer remote winter blasts its way Its beauty - snow on coal dark wood Compensates for days of gray As if somehow it could make good. time between seasons passes slow the time between the seasons Poetry Contest Sponsor: Kim Rodrigues

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 10/7/2022 3:24:00 AM
Suzanne, This is a poem of great stature. Imaginative rhyming and seamless transition between lines. Howard
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Date: 8/2/2022 8:36:00 AM
Congratulations on this win. A beautiful write/picture. Today, be blessed with your win.............
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 8/2/2022 3:57:00 PM
Thanks Paula: This made my day to be on the winners list. I so appreciate you thoughtful comments. SuZ
Date: 8/1/2022 9:20:00 AM
SuZ, back with congratulations for your win! I still love your word usage and the refrain between lines - a great visual of "between." Each stanza overflows with your creative imagery - "azaleas flower bright as lollipops!" Sending you blessings of all the seasons!
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 8/2/2022 3:56:00 PM
I appreciate your thoughtfulness,Sam: Will stop by for a visit soon. Hugs, SuZ
Date: 7/31/2022 10:17:00 PM
Congratulations on your wonderful win with this lovely entry SuZ. Mother Nature inspires great poetry! Blessings xxoo
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 8/2/2022 3:54:00 PM
Thanks for your lovely comment Connie: Nature is my consolation. Hugs, SuZ
Date: 7/31/2022 6:51:00 PM
The focus of time passing slow and the lovely imagery! Idle leaves deepen in rustic tones & Scent of smoke - autumn chill condones. I love the accompanying picture! Congratulations on your placement, Suzanne!
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 8/2/2022 3:53:00 PM
Dear Kim: Thank you for my placement in your contest. I enjoyed writing this for you. Best, SuZ
Date: 7/25/2022 12:02:00 AM
Hi Suz….what a delightful seasonal journey I have just been on….loved this! Debx
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 8/2/2022 3:55:00 PM
Thanks so much, Deb: I always appreciate your comments. Got any Vegemite to spare. Lol. SuZ
Date: 7/20/2022 12:07:00 PM
Taking us slowly through the changing seasons with lovely visions, this is sure to be a winner SuZ. A stunning entry! Blessings xxoo
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 7/20/2022 4:21:00 PM
You sweet and encouraging words are always a delight to find. Mahalo for you kind thoughts, SuZ
Date: 7/19/2022 1:53:00 AM
Wonderfully written and a sure winner for the contest , loved it...
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 7/20/2022 4:20:00 PM
Your welcome comments always cheer me up, Michael
Date: 7/17/2022 4:25:00 PM
Great entry for the contest, SuZ. Great imagery and I really like the picture to illustrate you the words of you poem. A poet friend in Texas, Bill
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Date: 7/15/2022 1:24:00 PM
Enjoyed your wonderfully penned poem on the seasons. love phyl
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Date: 7/13/2022 6:54:00 PM
Much enjoyed the ride through the seasons adorning lovely imagery you created, SuZ. A delightful read. Best to you.
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 7/20/2022 4:18:00 PM
Thanks as always for your ongoing support, Vijay Appreciate you. SuZ
Date: 7/13/2022 12:14:00 PM
Pensive penning, Suzanne, a rewarding accomplishment indeed, all the best my friend, Aloha~William
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 7/13/2022 3:44:00 PM
My gratitude, William …… for you thoughtful comment Much Aloha, SuZ
Date: 7/13/2022 10:45:00 AM
WOW SuZ! If your wondrously creative view of the seasons isn't on the winners list I will truly be surprised. Your colorful imagery is rich and delightfully delicious - "coal gray wood" with a nod to the way we heat our houses, "crocus bloom announcing snowdrops." I love snowdrops! You have captured that wonderful sense of wonder as one season "announces another. Best wishes for the contest. Blessings
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 7/13/2022 3:48:00 PM
How lovely, Sam….. to read your wonderful comment. So glad you enjoyed my thoughts on the seasons. Blessings to you. SuZ '

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