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Harm Quotations

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Quote Left And I, Mr. Knightley, am equally stout in my confidence of its not doing them any harm. With all dear Emma's little faults, she is an excellent creature. Where shall we see a better daughter, or a kinder sister, or a truer friend? No, no; she has qualities which may be trusted; she will never lead any one really wrong; she will make no lasting blunder; where Emma errs once, she is in the right a hundred times. Quote Right
Quote Left For a hundred years I breathe and live, the flower of beauty and the bread of kindness. I am your friendly shade in the noonday heat of summer, and I stand pencilled against the winter twilight, a silhouette for dreams. At dawning in the spring I am filled with song, the host to a thousand birds, and I decorate the autumn with pageantry and colour. Then comes the woodsman with his axe. And still I serve. I am the timber that builds your boat; the rafters of your cathedrals; the choirstalls of your church enriched by the magic of the carver's fingers. I am the beam that holds your house; the door of your homestead, and the lintel too. I am the handle of your hoe; the wood of your cradle; the bed on which you lie; the board of your table and the board for your bread. When I am living, harm me not. When I am dead, respect me and use me kindly. Quote Right
Quote Left An engaged woman is always more agreeable than a disengaged. She is satisfied with herself. Her cares are over, and she feels that she may exert all her powers of pleasing without suspicion. All is safe with a lady engaged; no harm can be done. Quote Right
Quote Left You are part of my existence, part of myself. You have been in every line I have ever read. You have been in every prospect I have ever seen - on the river, on the sails of the ships, on the marshes, in the clouds, in the light, in the darkness, in the wind, in the woods, in the sea in the streets. You have been the embodiment of every graceful fancy that my mind has ever become accquainted with. The stones of which the strongest London buildings are made are not more real, or more impossible to be displaced by your hands, than your presence and influence have been to me, there and everywhere, and will be. To the last hour of my life, you cannot choose but remain part of my character, part of the little good in me, part of the evil. But in this separation, I associate you only with the good, and I will faithfully hold you to that always, for you must have done me far more good than harm. Let me feel now what sharp distress I may. Quote Right
Quote Left Death and Famine and War and Pollution continued biking towards Tadfield. And Grievous Bodily Harm, Cruelty To Animals, Things Not Working Properly Even After You've Given Them A Good Thumping but secretly No Alcohol Lager, and Really Cool People travelled with them. Quote Right
Quote Left We may be through with the past, but the past is not through with us. Ideas of the Stone Age exist side by side with the latest scientific thought. Only a fraction of mankind has emerged from the Dark Ages, and in the most lucid brains, as Logan Pearsall Smith has said, we come upon nests of woolly caterpillars. Seemingly sane men entrust their wealth to stargazers and their health to witch doctors. Giant planes throb through the stratosphere, but half their passengers are wearing magic amulets and are protected from harm by voodoo incantations. Hotels boast of express elevators and a telephone in every room, but omit thirteen from all floor and room numbers lest their guests be ill at ease. Quote Right
Quote Left One, a robot may not injure a human being, or through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm;
Two, a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law; Three, a robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.
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Quote Left Reactance theory does not address how harmful or innocuous control can be and may seem to be too circumscribed to explain the nature of general harmful behavior. However, the limitations of its scope to specific and reactive control motivation do not detract from its power to explain battles for control dynamics. It is formulated to anticipate these specific incidents and, in doing so, addresses harm in general. With this purpose and the applicability of reactance theory in mind, the terms control and specific control are used interchangeably and, because reactance is control motivation, the terms reactance and control motivation are also used interchangeably. A control model, subsuming these concepts and general control, is introduced next, in which control (unless identified by a general control descriptor) is the belief in the freedom to engage in a specific nonharmful or harmful behavior to reach a specific nonharmful or harmful goal that can be exercised for a variety of reasons, most particularly when threatened or taken away, arousing reactance in proportion to its distinctiveness and importance. Quote Right
Quote Left Science is the search for truth - it is not a game in which one tries to beat his opponent, to do harm to others. We need to have the spirit of science in international affairs, to make the conduct of international affairs the effort to find t he right solution, the just solution of international problems, not the effort by each nation to get the better of other nations, to do harm to them when it is possible. Quote Right
Quote Left Innocence always calls mutely for protection when we would be so much wiser to guard ourselves against it: innocence is like a dumb leper who has lost his bell, wandering the world, meaning no harm. Quote Right
Quote Left A woman can forgive a man for the harm he does her...but she can never forgive him for the sacrifices he makes on her account. Quote Right
Quote Left Our goals were to address the following, ... Does ascorbate in pharmacologic concentrations kill cancer cells, but not normal cells, using conditions that mimic IV use and a clinically relevant time course? Is action dependent on extracellular ascorbate, intracellular ascorbate, or both? If effective, what are the mechanisms? Can ascorbate be delivered to tissues without harm? Are there implications for other diseases? Quote Right
Quote Left Oh, thou hast a damnable iteration, and art indeed able to corrupt a saint. Thou hast done much harm upon me Hal, God forgive thee for it. Before I knew thee Hal, I knew nothing, and now am I, if a man should speak truly, little better than one of the wicked. Quote Right
Quote Left A source of bad conscience, however, is the knowledge that my way of life, austere though it may appear to the richer folk, is still ruinously exploitive of nature -- not in my backyard, where I practice harmlessness toward even the wasps, but in the atmosphere, where my fossil fuel combustion's carbon dioxide is helping change the climate; in all those mountainous places where the metals and minerals that structure and drive my American life are torn from the earth; and in the flesh of fish and birds, mammals, and reptiles, where the chemicals that made the paper and plastic I use bioaccumulate, deforming reproduction. That guilty knowledge is another argument for material simplicity. The less I consume, the less harm I do to that which I love. In a consumer society, harmless living may be simple, but it is not easy. I make no claim to exemplary harmlessness or simplicity. Quote Right
Quote Left Anger: an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured. Quote Right
Quote Left Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that will never be again. And what do we teach our children? We teach them that two and two make four, and that Paris is the capital of France. When will we also teach them what they are? We should say to each of them: Do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like you. Your legs, your arms, your clever fingers, the way you move. You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. You have the capacity for anything. Yes, you are a marvel. And when you grow up, can you then harm another who is, like you, a marvel? You must work, we must all work, to make the world worthy of its children. Quote Right
Quote Left It is certainly not lions and wolves that we eat out of self-defense; on the contrary, we ignore these and slaughter harmless, tame creatures without stings or teeth to harm us, creatures that, I swear, Nature appears to have produced for the sake of their beauty and grace. But nothing abashed us, not the flower-like tinting of the flesh, not the persuasiveness of the harmonious voice, not the cleanliness of their habits or the unusual intelligence that may be found in the poor wretches. No, for the sake of a little flesh we deprive them of sun, of light, of the duration of life to which they are entitled by birth and being. Quote Right
Quote Left Now what is it moves our very heart and sickens us so much as cruelty shown to poor brutes? I suppose this: first, that they have done us no harm; next, that they have no power whatever of resistance; it is the cowardice and tyranny of which they are the victims which make their sufferings so especially touching. … There is something so dreadful, so Satanic, in tormenting those who have never harmed us, and who cannot defend themselves, who are utterly in our power. Quote Right
Quote Left The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. Quote Right
Quote Left What are fears but voices airy? Whispering harm where harm is not. And deluding the unwary Till the fatal bolt is shot! Quote Right
Quote Left What harm cause not those huge draughts or pictures which wanton youth with chalk or coals draw in each passage, wall or stairs of our great houses, whence a cruel contempt of our natural store is bred in them? Quote Right
Quote Left Wizard's First Rule: People can be made to believe any lie, either because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it's true. Wizard's Second Rule: The greatest harm can result from the best intentions. Wizard's Third Rule: Passion rules reason. Wizard's Fourth Rule: There is Magic to heal. In the forgiveness you grant, and more so in the forgiveness you recieve. Wizard's Fifth Rule: Mind what people do, not only what they say, for deeds will betray a lie. Wizard's Sixth Rule: The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason. Wizard's Seventh Rule: Life is the future, not the past. Quote Right
Quote Left The popularity of disaster movies expresses a collective perception of a world threatened by irresistible and unforeseen forces which nevertheless are thwarted at the last moment. Their thinly veiled symbolic meaning might be translated thus: We are innocent of wrongdoing. We are attacked by unforeseeable forces come to harm us. We are, thus, innocent even of negligence. Though those forces are insuperable, chance will come to our aid and we shall emerge victorious. Quote Right
Quote Left The three fundamental Rules of Robotics...One: a robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm...Two:..a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law...Three: a robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First and Second Laws. Quote Right
Quote Left If you're teaching a class, you can think about the elementary things that you know very well. These things are kind of fun and delightful. It doesn't do any harm to think them over again. Is there a better way to present them? The elementary things are easy to think about; if you can't think of a new thought, no harm done; what you thought about it before is good enough for the class. If you do think of something new, you're rather pleased that you have a new way of looking at it. The questions of the students are often the source of new research. They often ask profound questions that I've thought about at times and then given up on, so to speak, for a while. It wouldn't do me any harm to think about them again and see if I can go any further now. The students may not be able to see the thing I want to answer, or the subtleties I want to think about, but they remind me of a problem by asking questions in the neighborhood of that problem. It's not so easy to remind yourself of these things. Quote Right
Quote Left He harms himself who does harm to another, and the evil plan is most harmful to the planner. Quote Right
Quote Left All beings tremble before violence. All fear death, all love life. See yourself in others. Then whom can you hurt? What harm can you do? Quote Right
Quote Left He is a heavy eater of beef. Methinks it doth harm to his wit. Quote Right
Quote Left They (the animals) have very positive rights because they are God’s creatures. If we have to speak with absolute accuracy we must say that God has the right to have all His creatures treated with proper respect. Nobody should therefore carelessly repeat the old saying that animals have no rights. This could easily lead to wanton cruelty … The difficulty is that many people do not realise the extent to which cruelty to animals is practised as a matter of business … The best and most experienced teachers … talk of kindness to animals. Christians have a duty not only to refrain from doing harm but also to do positive good. Quote Right
Quote Left They shall by no means harm you but with a slight evil; and if they fight with you they shall turn (their) backs to you, then shall they not be helped. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Harm

Quote Left Rece and religion shouldn't be a hurdle to seek peace. Genocide and terrorism spark anger and make all realize the cruelty of leaders who hunger for power and overlook a peaceful convivence which is the only solution to avoid bloodshed. Aren't these heartless leaders declaring their ego to fulfill a wish to do harm, bringing destruction and death? Quote Right
Quote Left This earth is such an ass world curocity that they disturb and break the unit of terms of life cycle sun is only yamraj family in purana so that bole nath speard smoke out of Sagar called ulta with rays but fuckng science lecture final episode Agdori mahabharmanand Quote Right
Quote Left Every tree planted is a promise made to the future, an oath to safeguard the harmony between humanity and nature. -Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left No matter what is happening, remember that you deserve to live your music. Be inspired to live your song. You are music. You are a blessing. Love and Harmony. Quote Right
Quote Left If you are saying that god or any Bagwan come to earth and kill you then it is wrong imagine bhagavan khopley aam apna karya tannra mantra yantra mata kar pura paschim otar daksisn bandh purey vishav ka nirmaan kar chala jaata hai katputali ki tarah nach hai kya hawa tum log mandir dharm varam banatey ho Quote Right
Quote Left Sea Mai tides es liye aata hai kyu ki manushay sap chod diya Karo or duties Karo sharm bhooth kar liya calo vapas aasaketey Ho ya Mai jaou Sagar manthan khata hai purani baat hai. Om bole Jagdish bajantri Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left Deewani nazar purani hai kaafi din baad mil rahi hai shaadi natraj sey ho rahe hai naam Krishna maatalb kheayth harmi kaankad key kheath hai.. Jaya Kishore Ji Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left Remember seven is surya parkarti ganga Shani keytu Rahu besham pitama and eklavya 8 Yoaghads of mhabhart 4 durga Kali Jagdish Vishnu and bharma 84 marbles beat the chakra view' mad over mad Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left Silence carries with it a true and harmonious tone, where your mind can sing along with perfect clarity. Quote Right
Quote Left Oye sidhi tarah dus oye bay gairta, Oye bay sharma goliyan wajniyan nay ya tekay lawanay nay Oye ict? Quote Right
Quote Left We cannot calm the turbulence in the open sky. We must bear with its disharmony as it passes us by —I Am Anaya Quote Right
Quote Left If you find solace in others, loneliness may crush you. If you find solace in loneliness, other may overwhelm you. Harmony and balance are where you'll find true solace. Quote Right
Quote Left Bay haya wal pur me ghapa ghap kyun ho raha hai bay sharmo? Quote Right
Quote Left Tenu bagwan da wasta menu teka na lawa meri bund na parwa bay sharma meri jaan chad day hoor kini bund leni ay tun meri? Quote Right
Quote Left At some point, you have to let go of the “value” of how other people see you, for if you do not, it is at great personal cost to yourself – I say this with 'some' wisdom and further contemplation, that in doing all this, you are not harming another living human being or creature. Quote Right
Quote Left At some point, you have to let go of the “value” of how other people see you, for if you do not, it is at great personal cost to yourself – I say this with 'some' wisdom and further contemplation, that in doing all this, you are not harming another living human being or creature. Quote Right
Quote Left The pursuit of scientific knowledge is a symphony of observation, experimentation, and the harmonious dance of imagination and evidence. Quote Right
Quote Left The greedy will never stop their race to obtain other riches such as those stolen by force from those humble folks who prospered with the sweat of their brows, but for a stroke of bad luck their honor and dignity were taken away from them, making them servants like beasts locked up in a cage while the stingy and cruel master denied them prosperity and harmony with deceit. Once they were happy and free like a flock of crows screeching under a sky bluer than the sea. Quote Right
Quote Left Virtue is the Supreme good, the Supreme beauty, the Divinest of Gods Gifts, the Health and Harmonious unfolding of the Soul, and the germ of Immortality. It is worth every Sacrifice, and has power to transmute sacrifices and sufferings into Crowns of Glory and Rejoicing - W.E Channing Quote Right
Quote Left PaLu ko us waqt tak zinda rakho jab tak is ka ma zinda hai bay gerat bay sharm mafia muthal qatil Pathan. Quote Right
Quote Left Mankind have love, animals have affection. The harmonious and beautiful world is revealed. - Buddhism quotes Quote Right
Quote Left The glory of being an old man: women live longer...and most of my more charming and better looking competition are gone. Quote Right
Quote Left I always believe if everyone does a good deed, bit by bit, we can make a harmonious world. Quote Right
Quote Left My prayer is for war to be banished from earth, and for peace and harmony to exist for all mankind. Quote Right
Quote Left Every sphere needs to move in so sequential symphony, If not, could all live in life-casting cosmic harmony? Quote Right
Quote Left Some won't like you because you're not part of their clique, but as long as you stick with Jesus you'll remain in sync. - Jacob In Sync - to be in perfect harmony regardless of what the circumstance is. Quote Right
Quote Left The Neapolitan proverbs are the guide in life and they have the same principles of the Bible to live a good and long life, to look out for the deceivers and the loveless people who desire to do harm to others. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things