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Herstory from Battlefields to Laboratories

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Women's History Month

As I sat down to pen the lines of this poem, I found myself drawn to memories of a beloved figure from my past - my godly grandmother. She held a special place in my heart, and I was privileged to be her favorite grandchild.

Also Dedicated to All The Women Poets


- Daniel Henry Rodgers



Herstory from Battlefields to Laboratories
- Daniel Henry Rodgers
Beneath stardust's scattered gleam, Her-story, a comet’s tail, blazing across time. Through seasons it molds ...Once hushed now bold We rise like a chorus harmonizing ...In this vast of an eternal fold. For I am Harriet Tubman ...leading souls unseen. A beacon blazing hope, through history's mainstream. Through the tranquil, moonlit ...I had a lucid dream. From battlefields' thunderous roar, courage forever imbued, I am Joan of Arc, ….a warrior's fire, eternally trued. Faith my breastplate, defiance my cry, For crown and country, I stand, reaching for the sky. Like wildflowers careening for sun's golden kiss We blossom from the shadows, where strength will not be missed. I am Sacagawea …with wisdom etched deep, a natural navigator Guided Lewis and Clark, secrets I would keep forever. I am Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, …sparks a flame, Empowering generations for rewriting the same, their claim. To uncover forgotten narratives shattering silence's hold Unleashing voices and stories yet to be told. Across sun-drenched lands and city streets untamed Women stand united, a future yet unnamed. Threads of defiance, a brilliant banner unfurled A harmonious resonance for a juster and kinder world. In rustling leaves carried on the wind's gentle sigh The spirit of resilience, forever standing by. I am Malala, defiant …a pulsar of courage beaming knowledge Education, my weapon, against fear imposed. Ancestral whispers wisdom in their breeze Guiding our footsteps, through sibilant, boundless trees. From bustling factories to laboratories bright Their triumphs ignite, beacons burning ever so right. From courageous activism to fearless flights They shattered limitations, inspiring new heights. I am Amelia Earhart, …soaring through skies untamed, Shattered limitations and dreams forever reclaimed. I am Rosa Parks, …a nova in the civil rights galaxy With quiet courage in a crowded seat did reign Ignited a movement, hearts thundering in the rain. Of equality rising, a tide unstoppable Justice echoing, forever unquenchable. In the slums' despair a beacon so fair I am Mother Teresa, a love …beyond compare. Serving the poorest with grace so pure Her legacy, an endless, sacred tour. I am Margaret Atwood …quasars of dystopian prose With worlds both complex and provocative. Crafts apocalyptic tales futures yet to unload. My words a mirror reflecting our fight, Inspiring action bathed in truth's radiant delight. I am Viola Davis, …with a voice that cuts like steel, Gives voice to the voiceless where injustices reel. A storyteller unveiling truth with a passion ablaze. Empowering others through the characters she portrays. I am Sheryl Sandberg, …an intellect keen and sharp Cracked the glass ceiling leaving my indelible mark. Empowering women to reach for the boundless sky. Building empires, dreams reaching ever so high. Though tears may fall in moments of despair, hope a flight to pursue. ...A flame we all carry, forever a burning queue. For in our spirit a choir rings ever strong ...A tribute to the unsung whose voices sing their song. Let them boldly echo a testament to our might. ...The power of courage a never-fading light. In their stories our destinies take hold ...A fantastic story written in history's narrative folds. May their names resonate, …in every woman's soul! A chorus of strength forever making us whole. Yes, tears may fall in moments of despair. Hope takes flight for all …a flame our mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters ...shall forever exhort. So listen to their harmonies ringing through the ages… For They are fulfilling history in the unwritten pages. _______________
"My mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” – Maya Angelou (1928-2014), memoirist, poet

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 3/21/2024 5:01:00 AM
Daniel, what a finely crafted and wondrous poem homage to women's history. Bravissimo, dear poet. You have the poetic gift of brilliance. God's many blessings to you and your family. A FAVE!
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/21/2024 8:56:00 AM
Dear Gina, Thank you for your beautiful words, which are highly prized. My wife is one of 3 daughters, we have three daughters and now three granddaughters. I call them my all-girl band. This is my way of honoring them all and all women's legacies. - Blessings, my friend! - Daniel
Date: 3/7/2024 4:42:00 AM
This is a special tribute. Very nice and informative. Great last line too. Well done ! Thank you for sharing :)
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/7/2024 5:50:00 AM
Dear Heidi, I am so appreciative that you came and visited and commented on my poem. Thank you for your kind words, and have a great day, my friend. - Blessings, Daniel
Date: 3/6/2024 11:05:00 PM
This poem is a wonderful tribute and celebration of women’s history as well as a unique poetic contribution to art itself! You have magically woven women of various heritage and historical significance into a magical poem stitched together by your brilliance and skill like a seamstress or a quilt maker. Your poem is so well written it should be studied by students in school with the classics! Thank you for honoring women’s history month dear poet!
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/7/2024 5:49:00 AM
Dear Karen, your words touched my heart deeply. Your appreciation for my poem and celebrating women's history fills me with immense joy. Your comparison to a seamstress or quilt maker is incredibly moving, and I'm honored by your suggestion that my poem be studied alongside the classics. Your support means the world to me. With heartfelt gratitude. - Blessings, Daniel
Date: 3/6/2024 6:47:00 PM
Everyone of these brave women carried the torch with courage and determination proud to a woman serving God too, and you are amazing for being able to describe them so well, your excellent at this, thanks for sharing.
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/7/2024 5:46:00 AM
Dear Rose, your heartfelt words mean the world to me. Your appreciation for my poem and the brave women it portrays fills me with gratitude. Your encouragement fuels my passion for writing. I appreciate your support, which means everything. - Blessings, Daniel
Date: 3/6/2024 1:57:00 PM
Beautiful tribute to women everywhere Daniel, thank goodness that glass ceiling is finally disintegrating in the western world, although regrettably are still light years behind men in many countries, an empowering poem for sure, cheers David
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/6/2024 4:21:00 PM
Dear David, your thoughtful reflections touched me deeply. Indeed, the dismantling of the glass ceiling marks progress, yet disparities persist worldwide. Your acknowledgment of these realities adds depth to the conversation on empowerment. Let's continue advocating for equality and celebrating the resilience of women everywhere. Cheers to you, David. - Blessings, Daniel
Date: 3/6/2024 11:45:00 AM
I simply adore your awesome work poet enjoy your day..
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/6/2024 4:17:00 PM
Hello Yolanda, thank you for stopping by and leaving a kind note for it fills my heart. - Blessings, Daniel
Date: 3/6/2024 10:40:00 AM
You are a talented poet. Thanks for bringing all these talented women to mind. I have been blessed to have amazing strong women in my life. I join you in celebration of women. Blessings Richard.
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/6/2024 4:17:00 PM
Hello Richard, your kind words touch my heart deeply. I'm grateful that my poem connected with you and evoked thoughts of the women in your life. Indeed, we are blessed to be surrounded by such incredible individuals. Let's continue celebrating and honoring women for their invaluable contributions. Blessings to you as well, Richard. - Daniel
Date: 3/6/2024 10:33:00 AM
Daniel, I absolutely adore this poem. This way of thought, and the esteem you give to our beloved Matriarchal Keepers. They should be honored as a Mothers Day, everyday. They are Man's great counterpart and cure of our longing. They are the wombed home of our existence to journey share. Motherhood is a sacred skeletal framework of Life. Mothers are God's fair ones, a living poetry and daughtrical musing. Thank God for Woman and people who do not take them for granted. A masterpiece, here.
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/6/2024 4:14:00 PM
Hello Jude, your heartfelt response to my poem fills me with gratitude. Your profound appreciation for the Matriarchal Keepers echoes the sentiments I hoped to convey. Indeed, they deserve homage every day, embodying the essence of nurturing and companionship. Your words beautifully celebrate the sacred bond of motherhood and the profound role women play in our lives. Thank you for recognizing the depth of this piece. - Blessings, Daniel
Date: 3/6/2024 8:58:00 AM
"Beneath stardust's scattered gleam, Her-story, a comet’s tail, blazing across time." Love this beginning! "May their names resonate, …in every woman's soul, A chorus of strength, forever making us whole." -- For sure, women are compassion, defying logic and reason, not oblivious too, nor ignorant of...but rooted firmly, more deeply than men, in firmament of selfless love. Excellent read!
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/6/2024 9:13:00 AM
Dear Joe, Thank you so much for your thoughtful and insightful comments on my poem. Your reflection on the portrayal of women as compassionate beings rooted deeply in selfless love truly is timeless. Your words are truly encouraging and affirming. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and for your kind words of appreciation. They mean a lot to me. - Blessings, Daniel
Date: 3/6/2024 8:20:00 AM
Dear daniel, its always good to see men celebrating women, and empowering us women, and your write right here screams power! And it adds on to the powerful depth of words woven here in such eloquence as you mentioned all these that deserve to be mentioned for various reasons. “ tears may fall sometimes” true, but what matters at the end of the day is how we pick ourselves up , find light amidst darkness. “A chorus of strength, forever making us whole.“ this too is! For that, it is a fave!
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/6/2024 9:05:00 AM
Dear Ink Empress, Your heartfelt words of appreciation for my poem have deeply touched me. It means the world to me to receive such thoughtful recognition for my efforts. Your acknowledgment of the power and depth of my words fills me with gratitude and inspires me to continue striving for meaningful expression. Your support and encouragement are truly invaluable to me. With heartfelt gratitude and Blessings, Daniel
Date: 3/5/2024 11:10:00 PM
Hello Daniel. This poem is a fitting tribute to these trailblazers and all the women in our lives. Well done
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/6/2024 5:08:00 AM
Dear Marugu, Thank you for visiting and commenting on my poem and celebrating the women in our lives. - Blessings, Daniel
Date: 3/5/2024 8:36:00 PM
Dear Daniel, your memorable tribute to women is a wonderful one. What a lovely way to celebrate Women's History Month! I love everything about this poem, including the title, and the quote by Maya Angelou. This is a fave. :)
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/6/2024 5:07:00 AM
Dear Evelyn, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your heartfelt feedback on my poem. Your appreciation for my tribute to women during Women's History Month means the world to me. Your support and kind words fuel my creativity and inspire me to continue celebrating the strength and beauty of women through my poetry. I'm genuinely grateful to have you as a reader. - Blessings, Daniel
Date: 3/5/2024 5:04:00 PM
This is fantastic David! So powerful and inspirational. And moving. And a lot more; I just don't know how to capture it in words. A bold tribute to women everywhere. Cheers! - Bob
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/6/2024 5:05:00 AM
Dear Robert, Your words truly warmed my heart. Thank you for your kind and uplifting feedback on my poem. Your appreciation means a lot to me, and it inspires me to keep writing and celebrating women's strength and resilience. Cheers to you as well! - Blessings, Daniel
Date: 3/5/2024 1:51:00 PM
I enjoyed this tribute to women that combines a historical perspective. You have helped women do the thing they are so often denied----being heard. I am extra, extra grateful.
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/6/2024 5:04:00 AM
Dear Hilda, Your words touched me deeply. Thank you for recognizing the importance of amplifying women's voices. Your encouragement fuels my passion to continue advocating for the often silenced voices. Your support means the world to me. - Blessings, Daniel
Date: 3/5/2024 9:23:00 AM
Thank you, Daniel, for this beautiful tribute to women and Women's History Month. Your poem unfolds with grace as you highlight so many outstanding women both historical and in the present - "harmonies ringing through the ages" sung by "Adam's rib! It is written with such thoughtful sensitivity. Cadence like a song! And, of course, I do love your dedication to "all women poets." Grateful for the blessing of this poem. Sending you many blessings as we prepare to celebrate Easter.
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/5/2024 9:32:00 AM
Dear Sam, Your heartfelt words mean the world to me. Your recognition of the harmonies sung by extraordinary women throughout history fills me with gratitude. Wishing you many blessings as we approach Easter, also, - Blessings, My Friend, Daniel
Date: 3/5/2024 8:44:00 AM
A great tribute. The last line is strong. Thank you for sharing it with us.
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/5/2024 8:52:00 AM
Thank you so much my friend for visiting and commenting. I appreciate your thoughts. Have a great day. - Blessings, Daniel
Date: 3/5/2024 7:57:00 AM
Your synopsis of feminine achievements is wonderful. I liked the astronomical references you used to add some universality to the accomplishments and motivation these women had (comet tail, nova, quasar, pulsar). The way you treat women in your life in the present honors your grandmother--I get it absolutely. I had a paternal grandmother who treated me with kindness. I never thought she was treated appropriately by our family. My life and choice of wife honors her.
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/5/2024 8:29:00 AM
Dear Duke, Your reflection touched me deeply. Thank you for your kind notes and insights into my poem. Seeing how our grandmother's kindness influences our lives and choices is heartening. Your empathy towards her and recognition of her worth inspire a profound respect. May we continue honoring those who shape us with love and kindness. - Blessings, Daniel
Date: 3/5/2024 6:01:00 AM
Hi Daniel, I did not know that it was women's history month. I liked the way you acquired a feminine voice to high light so many amazing women and the lessons of their lives. They certainly set the bar high. Blessings to you
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/5/2024 7:25:00 AM
Dear Nancy, Your acknowledgment means a lot. Women's History Month is significant, and I'm glad my poem resonated with you during this time. Highlighting remarkable women and their lessons was a joy. Your blessings and appreciation inspire me to continue celebrating their legacy and also honor you as a poetess - Blessings, Daniel
Date: 3/5/2024 5:58:00 AM
A wonderful tribute, Daniel! Many names we know and you’ve entered and surprised us with others. I would like to see this as a POTD…perhaps POTM (they don’t have such a thing.) Blessings and thank you for all the encouragement.
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/5/2024 7:21:00 AM
Dear Kim, Your kind words mean the world to me. Your appreciation for the lesser-known names in my tribute is heartwarming, and your words fill me with gratitude. Kim, your encouragement fuels my passion for honoring remarkable women and poetesses like you. - Blessings, my dear friend, - Daniel
Date: 3/5/2024 5:43:00 AM
A great tribute to all women who have changed the world, and molded us, with their "spirit of resilience, forever standing by".
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/5/2024 7:18:00 AM
Hello Joe, Thank you for joining me in the recognition of the resilience and transformative power of women in our lives. Also, thank you for honoring their enduring impact with such profound words. - Blessings, Daniel
Date: 3/4/2024 10:34:00 PM
Good morning Daniel , this creation of work is truly remarkable , a glorious tribute of snapshots into the history, the compassion , the struggle, bravery , and genius of those who paved the way for all women to be the creators of their own ideals and dreams , which in turn has helped shape our world today . We are richer in heart and spirit because of them , we are more empathetic due to them , and I am a better person because of them . To all Ladies past present and future . Thank you . Daniel
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/5/2024 7:16:00 AM
Hello Daniel, Your heartfelt acknowledgment is deeply felt. I immensely appreciate your recognition of the profound impact women have had on shaping our world, from history to the present. It's through honoring their compassion, struggle, bravery, and genius that we embrace empathy and strive for a better world. Your words affirm the significance of acknowledging and celebrating the contributions of women, past, present, and future. Thank you for your thoughtful reflection. - Blessings, Daniel
Date: 3/4/2024 9:29:00 PM
Daniel, I know I'm not exaggerating when I deem this poem a masterpiece. Thank you for sharing it with us! Janice
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/5/2024 4:28:00 AM
Dear Janice, your words touch me deeply. To hear you describe my poem as a masterpiece fills me with gratitude. Sharing my work and connecting with readers like you is a true joy. I also want to thank you for your poetry, which I enjoy reading. - Blessings, my friend, Daniel
Date: 3/4/2024 6:59:00 PM
I enjoyed reading your interesting, informative poem, Daniel. The title was very good too. Your Grandmother would be very proud of you. It is heartwarming to know that some men honour and respect women and are not afraid to say so in such a clever poetic way. Thank you, Daniel. Shirley (Old Duck)
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/5/2024 4:26:00 AM
Thank you so much for your heartfelt comment, Shirley. It means a lot to me. My grandmother was indeed a guiding light in my life, and I always strive to honor her legacy of strength and compassion. Women have played an integral role in shaping who I am today, and it's important to me to express that appreciation through my poetry. Your words encourage me to continue celebrating the beauty and power of women in my writing. - Blessings, my Friend, Daniel
Date: 3/4/2024 5:31:00 PM
Thank you for honoring women. . Sometimes women get the shaft and I really don’t like that.. having been raised by a mother, who taught me that I had wings a long time ago. And I continually found women in writing or directly in my life who showed me how to soar very high. Delightful poem, Daniel. Pangie
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/4/2024 5:45:00 PM
Dearest Pangie, wow, your response truly touched me. It's amazing how "Herstory" resonated with your own experiences finding your voice and rising above conformity. Those are powerful lessons, and having mentors like your "various wings" must have been incredible. They helped you soar above the crowd, just like the women in the poem. Pangie – you don't need to fly over everyone else. Strength comes in many forms, and sometimes the most powerful voices rise from unexpected places. The poem is a celebration of that too – the women who defied expectations and changed the world. Thank you for sharing your story and your passion. Your comment is truly "outstanding," and it reminds me of the enduring power of connection. Keep living with that fire, Pangie! - Blessings, Daniel
Date: 3/4/2024 5:29:00 PM
A wonderful tribute Daniel, highlighting the strengths of women throughout history. A wonderful story.
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 3/4/2024 5:40:00 PM
Dear Jerry, your words mean a lot! Highlighting women's strength through history was a great joy to research and write about.. I'm glad it felt like a "wonderful story" – these women's as others journeys deserve to be told. Thanks for visiting, reading, and commenting my friend. - Blessings, Daniel

Book: Shattered Sighs