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The Midnight Marauder

There is a midnight marauder who
scared the people of Dawson City,
creating panic at night when they heard
outside noises and clamoring occurred,
Constable McGregor, Jimmy Stern and
John Walker faced their first Sasquatch,
all three men froze at their feet,
knowing this creature was hard to beat.

The people of Dawson City, Yukon Territory were up in arms. Someone or something was marauding their property at night. Constable Bill McGregor took in the complaints one by one and gathered his many notes trying to make heads or tails from the information.

John Walker, a strapping homesteader, came into the log cabin and raised his fist, "McGregor, something has to be done about this frustrating problem. My wife is scared to death and has the children sleeping in our room." John's face turned redder than a beet as he walked closer to McGregor, " Whatcha going to do about this?"

Constable McGregor shook his head and said, "John, it's time to be on the watch at night and see if we can catch the culprit. "I'll be at your place tonight with my assistant Jimmy Stern. We we will keep a lookout to see who is stealing and damaging your property. "

John Walker with a humble face, said, "Sorry to yell at you McGregor. I will join you and Stern tonight with my trusty Winchester Lever Action Rifle. I feel obliged protecting my family." Shaking the Constable's hand, he left into the cold and biting November outdoors where his wagon and horse were waiting for him.

Bill McGregor headed to Dolly's Saloon where he hoped to find Jimmy Stern. Loud music and rollicking voices welcomed him at the doorway of the saloon. Dolly in all her finery greeted him with her million-dollar and red-lipped smile. She was the most beautiful woman in Dawson City and he was in love with her. Being the Constable, he had to keep a certain decorum which was difficult under the circumstances.

Looking about the different tables, Bill found Jimmy playing cards with some men. Praying that he was sober, he tapped him on the shoulder and said he needed him back at the Constable's cabin right away.

Jimmy, threw his cards down on the ale-stained table and left reluctantly. "Hey Bill, it's my day off, gimme a break."

Bill shrugged his shoulders and walked briskly to the cabin. "Jimmy, we have a serious problem concerning a marauder invading the property of townspeople and others living in the outskirts." Looking straight into Jimmy's eyes, he said, "We will be helping John Walker and his family tonight and hope to catch whatever it is that is terrifying his family. Grab a rifle and I will meet at the Walker's homestead about 10:00 tonight."

Thinking about his faithful Siberian Husky, Prince, Jimmy decided to bring him along. It was going to be a long night and he felt weary already. The companionship of Prince gave him some assurance. Thinking the maruder might be a hungry grizzly bear who was looking for food before its hibernation crossed his mind.

All three men enjoyed a warm cup of coffee and delicious sugar cookies while waiting for the 'attack.' Peggy Walker, wearing a calico apron over her flour-sack dress offered the men more cookies when they heard a loud crash outside. Prince growled as the men grabbed their rifles and ran outside.

Bill with his adrenaline flowing led the other two men. Looking for footprints or paw marks on the snow, Bill stopped suddenly and whispered to Jimmy and John, "Holy cow, what in Heaven's name is this?" The paw footprints were larger than any they ever saw. It was much larger than a a grizzley bear! What was looming nearby? All three men raised their long gun rifles and were ready to shoot.

Several feet away with the light from a full moon was a creature they never saw before. It held one of the hens within its massive furry arms.

All three men stood frozen as if time stood still. The creature grunted and ran away with the clucking hen while its feathers flew in the brink of the winter night.

Bill, Jimmy and John chased whatever it was but could not catch up with it. It got away and disappeared. After that eventful night, there was no more marauding in Dawson City unless it was a bear, racoon or human..

According to historical records, this was the first sighting of the Yukon Sasquatch which is an elusive beast.


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Book: Reflection on the Important Things