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The Forgotten Land

It was a very cold day, but the forest was alive with an interesting set of characters. Chariot the dragon was out and about searching for something she had lost. She was a glorious creature, vibrant yellow scales, a little beard and wide blue eyes.

“Now where is it?”, she asked herself.

Squirrels ran across her path, yet she paid no attention to them. She was a little beside herself as her mission continued on.

And then came Mariska, a fair maiden who came to collect some wild roses to display in her humble cottage.

“Good afternoon Mariska”, smiled Chariot. “Perhaps you can help me find something for which I have lost”.

“I would love to help, what is it that you have misplaced?”

“Well, I had it hear before I went to my pumpkin patch, and I’ve already searched throughout all my orange orbs.” Chariot scratched at her ear which had a lot of protruding hair. “But I simply cannot find it.”

Mariska has been through these games with Chariot before so she decided not to pry as to exactly what it was, but decided to help with the search.

A squirrel hopped up on Mariska’s shoulder and whispered into her ear, “Chariot is feisty today!”

Together they began their search.


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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry