The Fluffy Ones
“The Fluffy Ones”
“Hey Margarete. How are you on this gorgeous day?” Said the female shop owner to one of the regulars. Margarete had been coming to the high-end restaurant for well over 5 years. Kitty (pun intended) the show owner had a colorful dress on and a black apron over it. There wasn’t much on the apron for Kitty had been at work for less than an hour. The store had just opened.
“I’m doing well. Doodle is thirsty.” She said and rubbed her poodle’s head.
“Hey boss here it is.” Said Kitty’s husband. Margarete was always on-time.
“I really think you should open earlier. Have you ever seen the amount of dog walkers there are between 5 am and 6 am? You would probably triple your gross income.” It was something Kitty had been thinking heavily about in the past two months or so. It was hard to tell exactly when she first learned about her pregnancy. The store was doing well but between the two of them (Kitty and her Husband) but not well enough for a family. College could cost 10,000 dollars a year. The idea was so resonating in her mind she acted spur of the moment.
“We open at 5 am tomorrow be sure you stop by.” She turned around and looked at her Husband. This was a time or so after finishing the statement for the hairs on the back of her neck were standing. “What?” She could tell right away that her husband was mad.
“I didn’t know we were through talking about this.”
She stammered. “Well I guess I just decided right now.”
“Oh right now huh?”
“Well guess who is coming in at 430 to open up.”
“Me?” And he smiled and let his folded arms fall into place by his side.
“Right you are and every day.” He said with a grin.
“Whoa hold on there we can split the weekdays 3-2 then 2-3 and we both work the weekends all day.
“How about weekends we start at 7? How is that?”
“Sounds good. What do you think Margareta?” Her dog just finished drinking the bowl of orange and lime-flavored water. She was getting ready to leave.
“Sounds fine to me. See you tomorrow bright and early.”
It was noon and Kitty was at her wits end. Not only was the new time busy it was line around the corner busy. The money was coming as if pumped from a stream. And like a stream in came a the Husband. “Wow baby this is crazy!”
“You’re telling me its been nonstop. Oh yeah Priscilla called in sick.”
“You did this all by yourself?”
“Yeah.” She said rolling some form of bread.
“Why didn’t you call.” He said and realized he had just put his foot in his mouth.
“I did someone shut their phone off. And you’re late.”
“Sorry I shut off the phone couldn’t get alarm to go off.”
She shrugged. “Well you’re here now enough talking get to work.” He didn’t really think this was done but she was right he needed to get to work. Almost every display tray was empty. So he set to filling them up. When he returned after five minutes he returned a frown on his face.
“What happened to all the stock? There was enough there for 3 days.”
“Well not anymore we need to hire two new people and one of them just cooks and bakes the other for the register. I will run the other register and help with baking.”
“OK babe I just posted on and craigslist.”
She went over to him and hugged him. She also gave him a kiss on the neck. “I knew there was a reason I loved you.”
“Yeah. Let’s see if I can get you caught up.”
An hour and a half later things were slowing down and the Husband had all the stoves going and was catching up. He would have to stay an hour or two late so that he could catch up. He had also hired 3 people to work the morning shift because their profits had nearly tripled now wasn’t the time to slowly catch up. They now had the help that they needed.
Kitty stayed till closing time with her husband. They made great improvements on baking and sauté. The animal restaurant did not sell people food only animals. It was right in Southy in Boston. The total amount of foot traffic was crazy. A lot of people came to see walking the dog good exercise for them as well.
After the drawers were counted and everyone but the owners left. She collapsed in his arms. “I didn’t think I was gonna make it there.”
“I know baby look at the totals… The money was flying in I think we made, not gross but made, minus expenses close to 30,000.” He smiled. “Babe we can have 100 kids now u know 30,000 a day is over 10 million a year. Baby we did it we gonna be Rockstar rich.”
They laughed and kissed.
“Hunny the baby just kicked.”
He smiled and rubbed her belly. “Hey little guy you aren’t gonna want for anything now thank God.