Hustling A Dream
While dining stateside in Niagra Falls a runaway heiress character put on a nice show using her stage name Miss Brandi K and claimed being out of the money.
“I am broke,” she screamed seeing Clinton race his way into the border line hotel lobby,
“Ask my secretary,” he said into his cell phone, “I love this place, it has an artistic meadow that is a winner.”
Realizing that the executive looking pinstriped did not hear her Miss Brandi K followed him into the 24-hour cafeteria and took a seat at the counter.
“Yeah, pickles on top,” she waved the bartender down, “that makes the burger a winner.”
Seeing the husband material moving picture put down his communication toy only to replace it with a legal pad from the briefcase Miss Brandi K thought about making her move. “In a second together we run,” her daydream took control.
Then the suit stood up and made his way over to the drinking well, “Well hello,” she could smell his cologne. “Hi, I am Eataam Princess, and I am out of the money,”
“Excuse me,” Clinton replied.
“Eataam it’s a bankrupted country I am their princess and I have no money.”
“Never heard of Eataam,” the Department store mannequin honestly stated.
“Whatt Mach me the most is,” Miss Brandi K tried to speak clearly, “Eataam is not on global radar, I tell you it is a water shed.”
After the hotel staffer put a drink in Clinton’s hand he offered some advice, “you have to take the reigns of Titan to be a winner.”
“Reigns of who?” Miss Brandi K acted interested.
“Wear a shirt showing Super T”
“Take a second,” Clinton paused as she gulped, “now you have to be secretly flashy when you yell ‘I am the Eataam Princess!’ so the world can hear.”
“No Miss Brandi K from the ‘Over The Barrell’ Gentlemen’s Club but I heard you earlier you were out of the money,” Clinton smiled, “I have a cabin on Wynd Creek, you can use it until your no longer out of the money.”
“Excuse me ma’am would you like cheese on that burger?’ The Waiter interjected.