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Blood: Chapter 1


This is the story of ten lost souls of the British vampiric curse, which was said to be brought amongst several witchcraft-marksmen. The curse goes as far back as 1377, when five men and five women gave their souls to the magic to repel the curse but only gave it to them, and twenty-four hours later, they wake to become black-haired, dark-eyed full-blooded vampires. This process is called Vamp-Restoration, and when you die of any circumstance, after twenty-four hours, you’re a vampire.

Only after about fifty years after this, 2 men and 8 women are alive. There is a greater number of women because they transformed humans into vampires over the decades. As the years go on, the women become more populated than the men, as in 1402, 4 men are alive, and 126 women are alive.

The men population decreased as the years went on as the men population was completely obliterated when the last man vampire alive, died in 1756, from apparent suicide steak to the chest. The only way to kill a vampire is a sharp oak-steak to the chest, and it is extremely painful when your body rots quickly, and then burns into a gray char. Their bodies then show the form of how they died and what they were wearing when they died as a human. There are hundreds of stories of all the vampires, and they are all connected with the hate and love and how they are invincible to anything physically, not mentally. These stories range from about the 1370s–present day.

June 07, 1952- San Francisco; A sweet morning star in the Park

The sun rose swiftly on that chilly Sunday morning, with only a few clouds in the foreseeable blue sky. Every fine blue bird chirped in the soft whistle that their beaks allowed them to. Elizabeth, 22, knew nothing could get in her way, not even her over-protective parents, being sure she’d never leave their sight. Elizabeth scurried and sang beautiful tunes aloud so the neighborhood could hear. Everyone loved her graceful swinging notes of happiness.

This was how people knew it was a Saturday, oh yearning Saturday. Blonde-haired-blue-eyed girl of the corner of Conners St, she was named. She was overjoyed to see her two dearest friends, Susan and John, today. After knowing each other since third grade, they all grew up on the local north-east side of San Francisco, California, with contentment and safety. When John and Susan started dating sophomore year, Elizabeth felt a little left out of the group, but it didn't stop the group's love for one another, and their solid friendships lasted long beyond graduation. They all enjoyed spending time together sorting out life's quirks and, one after the other, assisting each other with their occupations and interests. These three did not know today would be their last. And Elizabeth's last day as a human being.

Cutting close to noon, Elizabeth strolls through town complimenting everyone on something new they deserved to cherish. She always comes up with a blissful note to add each day to her loving townmates. She runs up to crescent park, the wilting spring flowers washed by as the warm breeze blew over, and the summer blossoms rose on the fine June day. Elizabeth knew she was content and her tied-up blonde hair with the navy-blue clips sent her to the best friends she could ever imagine. John and Susan are sharing a cherry-apple-red strawberry. They were setting up the picnic, while making goo-goo eyes intently.

Susan mumbles with a pie in her mouth, "Rosemary is giving a baby shower for the knocked-up baby she's having." "Stop!" she said, giggling. Her and her mysterious boyfriend are content." Elizabeth laughs as she mentions. "Who created this?" "This hoagie is fantastic," John remarks as he stuffs his face. "I did, baby," Susan says with a smile. “What! "I assumed that came from Conly's Deli, Susie, you should be a chef or something," Elizabeth exclaims, shocked. "You know, I suspect Rosemary is secretly dating an old guy... or a young one, perhaps." "I think Susan is simply concealing him because she's shy about the entire situation and isn't ready to reveal him to everyone yet," Elizabeth explains. “Well-”. When a new 1952 Chevrolet 3100 in baby blue pulls up in the parking lot next to them, John is cut off. “What?” Susan approaches her lover. "That's it. With a smile on his face, John exclaims, "That's my dream automobile right there." "Is it the old thing?" "It's all rusted, and the motor sounds broken," Elizabeth jokes. "Yeah, and that old lady in there isn't helping," Susan answers plainly. "Susan!" exclaims Elizabeth, who is dying with laughter. "The blue sky and tree flowers couldn't be more beautiful today." "Oh, Elizabeth, when are you going to find a man already?" exclaims Susan. Elizabeth shakes her head, "What does that have to do with-" she is stopped, “What the hell-” BAM.

Susan shouts, "AAAA!!!!" A bat strike has battered in and bloodied John's head. He died at this instant. Elizabeth glances up and sees the same old woman she saw in the blue truck before slamming the bat over Susan. She screamed at the top of her voice, "NOOOO!" Susan lying there, looks up at Elizabeth, blood scorching down her crying face, “R-RUN” Elizabeth makes dead eye contact with the mysterious old lady, she runs back, falling, scared for her life tumbling down the hill more and more.

In disbelief, she tries to crawl on her knees, why was there no one around to witness this? There were just a bunch of people in this park 2 minutes ago. Elizabeth, trying to get up, crying and tripping on her blue and yellow dress. The woman ran up to Elizabeth and swung the back of the bat over her head, knocking her out.

Black flashes, then blue skies, with an aircraft overhead as bridges cross. Her wrists are bound, and duct tape covers her lips while she looks down. She tried to scream as loudly as she could, but there was no hope. She knew she was in the baby blue pickup. The vehicle arrives in a compact duplex, one side bright and pink, the other gloomy and mournfully blue. The vehicle pulls into an alleyway to park, and Elizabeth is taken into the house. What was the point of allowing this to happen... Her two dearest friends are gone, and only God knows what will happen to her. Placed and tied down to a table by straps. Tugging and tugging, why even try to get loose? The pale, grotesque lady comes closer back to her with a snarling, crooked look, “Elizabeth, I know you are scared right now, and it is okay.” How in the hell am I going to be okay??


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Book: Reflection on the Important Things