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Tiring Quotations

Tiring quotations. Find, read, and share Tiring quotations. These are the best examples of Tiring quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left A life without love, without the presence of the beloved, is nothing but a mere magic-latern show. We draw out slide after slide, swiftly tiring of each, and pushing it back to make haste for the next. Quote Right
Quote Left It's not too surprising that tech stocks took a beating on Friday since they have not been a leadership group of late. While tech has been languishing, basic materials, energy and industrial stocks have been reaching new highs. These may be tiring, but it seems too early to abandon them yet. Quote Right
Quote Left He will be with you also, all the way, that faithful God. Every morning when you awaken to the old and tolerable pain, at every mile of the hot uphill dusty road of tiring duty, on to the judgment seat, the same Christ there as ever, still loving you, still sufficient for you, even then. And then, on through all eternity. Quote Right
Quote Left How boring is life in the Antarctic? People in one group wintering at the South Pole in the 1960s watched the film 'Cat Ballou' 87 times. People in another, after tiring of the westerns, Disney features and pornographic films on hand, spliced the movies together into their own production and adopted a vocabulary based on their creation that was so strange that relief crews arriving in the spring could barely understand them. Quote Right
Quote Left We're all kind of tiring of the Republican/Democrat divide. She would have to move more toward the middle and strike some independent chords. Quote Right
Quote Left Wooing, so tiring. Quote Right
Quote Left Taste is tiring like good company. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Tiring

Quote Left Tachycardia vs Bradycardia vs Heart Attack Tachycardia. When our heart pumps very fast without any physical activity and causes shortness of breath and trouble breathing. Bradycardia. When our heartbeat goes lower than normal and causes tiring and slow breathing. Heart Attack. When the heart ceases its activity. Causes may include the following: Disease, Cholesterol, Blockage, Lack Of Blood or Oxygen, Reaction and Shock. Quote Right

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