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Spit Quotations

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Quote Left As we talked of freedom and justice one day for all, we sat down to steaks. I am eating misery, I thought, as I took the first bite. And spit it out. Quote Right
Quote Left Readers of the twenty-first chapter must decide for themselves whether it enhances the book they presumably know or is really a discardable limb. I meant the book to end in this way, but my aesthetic judgement may have been faulty. Writers are rarely their own best critics, nor are critics. 'Quod scripsi scripsi' said Pontius Pilate when he made Jesus Christ the King of the Jews. 'What I have written I have Written.' We can destroy what we have written but we cannot unwrite it. I leave what I wrote with what Dr. Johnson called frigid indifference to the judgement of that .00000001 of the American population which cares about such things. Eat this sweetish segment or spit it out. You are free. Quote Right
Quote Left Children are guilty of unpardonable rudeness when they spit in the face of a companion; neither are they excusable who spit from windows or on walls or furniture. Quote Right
Quote Left He shall eat flowers, Chew honey and spit out gall. They shall all smile... Quote Right
Quote Left It is the mark of a mean, vulgar and ignoble spirit to dwell on the thought of food before meal times or worse to dwell on it afterwards, to discuss it and wallow in the remembered pleasures of every mouthful. Those whose minds dwell before dinner on the spit, and after on the dishes, are fit only to be scullions. Quote Right
Quote Left Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. Quote Right
Quote Left Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats. Quote Right
Quote Left Merrill One time, I was at this party... and I was sitting on the couch with Amanda McKinney. She was just sitting there, looking beautiful. So, I lean in to kiss her, and I realize I have gum in my mouth. So, I turn to spit it out and put it in a paper cup. I turn back, and Amanda McKinney throws up all over herself. I knew the moment it happened, it was a miracle. I could have been kissing her when she threw up. It would have scarred me for life. I may never have recovered. Quote Right
Quote Left The first kiss I had was the most disgusting thing in my life. The girl injected about a pound of saliva, into my mouth, and when I walked away I had to spit it all out. Quote Right
Quote Left It's changed throughout the years, but at one time I was a really big bubble gum ice cream fan. I'd spit the bubble gum pieces in a cup and then collect them. Quote Right
Quote Left Do not spit in the well - you may be thirsty by and by. Quote Right
Quote Left when her husband came, complaining about the tobacco spit on him, they decided to run North for a free evening. Quote Right
Quote Left The office of president is a bastardized thing, half royalty and half democracy, that nobody knows whether to genuflect or spit. Quote Right
Quote Left The office of president is a bastardized thing, half royalty and half democracy that nobody knows whether to genuflect or spit. Quote Right
Quote Left There comes a time when a man must spit on his hands, hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Torturing animals in any form in the name of Christ, the Virgin and the Saints, in these pagan practices, it simply means to step on and spit at, the work of God.' Quote Right
Quote Left In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face. Quote Right
Quote Left [F]or academic men to be happy, the universe would have to take shape. All of philosophy has no other goal: it is a matter of giving a frock coat to what is, a mathematical frock coat. On the other hand, affirming that the universe resembles nothing and is only formless amounts to saying that the universe is something like a spider or spit. Quote Right
Quote Left I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery. Quote Right
Quote Left Put an Irishman on the spit and you can always get another Irishman to turn him. Quote Right
Quote Left First law of science: don't spit into the wind. Quote Right
Quote Left Pride will spit in pride's face. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Spit

Quote Left taken is the life we lived and are allowed, brief respite from desire to be learned further the beast released to run and have the beast, desire us again Quote Right
Quote Left "The world kept spinning despite asking her to stop." Quote Right
Quote Left When you spit into the face of destiny — eternity watches Quote Right
Quote Left In a world where no one understands, it's good to finally find someone who can. That's where you'd go to do what you have never done before and say things you have told no one. This is how new words and new actions are born, but not in hospital, in a lovely telephone box. Quote Right
Quote Left Every time I try to see you, something stands in our way. You've been my rock and my refuge, but I fear you’ll think I’m playing games. I love you deeply and long to be with you, yet unseen forces keep us apart. Please know my love is true, despite the obstacles in our path. Quote Right
Quote Left Yesterday a triumph despite the failures. Quote Right
Quote Left " An old Chinese proverb states : A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step''. I say, '' And ends up with blisters and sore feet In a hospital bed''. Quote Right
Quote Left Despite the uniqueness of each Christmas, the love that is present remains unchanged. Quote Right
Quote Left Perfection isn't the gist of family's strength; it's found in the resilience despite imperfections. - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left Intelligence is extremely emotional coz emotions analyse and rise. The chariot of emotions move in right directions isn't always destined. Righteousness alone qualifies to be the ideal charioteer. Lord Krishna... The subconscious charioteer in form of coiled life force in the spine, always resides..... It's just that inspite of being focused upon gazing the world, we got to look with in n shine. Quote Right
Quote Left When one can provide for others, a brief respite & calm... don't be surprised if they wish to extend their hiatus- and stay. Quote Right
Quote Left As Christ said, "lukewarm and I will spit you out" -- but devout in your commitment to God's eternal abiding Love, and you will never know a barren moment in the Kingdom of heaven. Quote Right
Quote Left Accident sahi tareqa hai pehlay zakmi karo phir hospital lay jar teka lagwa kar khalas kar do tum waqiye nice person ho BHAI. Quote Right
Quote Left "The world has many great places to vacation. A hospital is not one of them." Quote Right
Quote Left Variety of thoughts with in and around, the perceptions resulting and leading to oozing emotions, the reactions and plans to handle the perceptions and emotions continue and multiply until *we stop* . The silence, the listening power is the only tool which can bring respite in form of proper SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats )analysis and postive growth. Quote Right
Quote Left I'm shocked by the racism, regardless of race, that plunders our society; and the ones who spit it out of their guts to denigrate others to feel superior, will face dire and moral consequences. Quote Right
Quote Left "Despite all good qualities a gentle, sensitive, intuitive Deer isn't the King. Yet Lion, the violent beast proudly wears the crown! Because it has the courage to show up unconcealed, it is an intelligent strategist, a leader and protector." Quote Right
Quote Left Don’t spit fire with one’s words it just add fuel to the fire. Quote Right
Quote Left Some people ,despite the great misfortune befall them,this,never prevent them from the next steps in their life. Quote Right
Quote Left Baseball's immeasurable spittin' mixed with occasional hittin'.—Michael R. Burch Keywords/Tags: baseball, softball, America, sports, bat, batting, spit, spitting Quote Right
Quote Left Baseball's immeasurable spittin’ mixed with occasional hittin’.—Michael R. Burch Quote Right
Quote Left Despite feeling weak, strength comes from falling, rising and going. Quote Right
Quote Left "A spiteful and entitled generation's been created. The media's helped display it, but only we can change it." Quote Right
Quote Left "It is odd that some people feel lonesome when they're in the very company of their loved ones, while others are completely intertwined despite being seas and oceans apart." Quote Right
Quote Left The noise of Coronavirus is loudest in countries presided by old men and by media owned by old men, everything that coughs, sneezes or peeps at the Hospital is now tagged Coronavirus, there are no more causalities from diabetes, hypertension and even Cancer or HIV are on sabbatical and just as their enemy was removed, the numbers are dropping. if this is not a conspiracy, tell me what it is Quote Right
Quote Left Tis' but a sad respite to clasp firmly towards hatred only to find it has its claws in you. JC Hawkens 12/26/2020 Quote Right
Quote Left Despite hearing any thing about myself, when I don't react. You may call it weakness, I call it grace! Quote Right
Quote Left I love holding your hands despite the fact you will be leaving it, again. Quote Right
Quote Left Despite all good qualities a gentle, sensitive, intuitive Deer isn't the King. Yet Lion, the violent beast proudly wears the crown! Because it has the courage to show up unconcealed, it is an intelligent strategist, a leader and protector. Quote Right
Quote Left The words of the unwise do not go further than his spit. Quote Right

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