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Side By Side Quotations

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Quote Left Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue to exist, a wonderful living side by side can grow up, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible for each to see each other whole against the sky. Quote Right
Quote Left We may be through with the past, but the past is not through with us. Ideas of the Stone Age exist side by side with the latest scientific thought. Only a fraction of mankind has emerged from the Dark Ages, and in the most lucid brains, as Logan Pearsall Smith has said, we come upon nests of woolly caterpillars. Seemingly sane men entrust their wealth to stargazers and their health to witch doctors. Giant planes throb through the stratosphere, but half their passengers are wearing magic amulets and are protected from harm by voodoo incantations. Hotels boast of express elevators and a telephone in every room, but omit thirteen from all floor and room numbers lest their guests be ill at ease. Quote Right
Quote Left Like man and wife who nightly keep Inconsequent debate in sleep As they dream side by side. Quote Right
Quote Left In addition to state-of-the-art 3D rendering techniques, Visage CS 2.0 now features hanging protocols and viewing comparison of multiple series/studies side by side, as well as vessel analysis and PET-CT protocols. Through the thin client technology, the full set of functions becomes available anywhere, anytime, for any number of users throughout the hospital enterprise, without requiring special hardware on the client side. Quote Right
Quote Left For weeks or months they moved through their separate lives and slept side by side as though they were two strangers who had mistakenly been a... Quote Right
Quote Left It's no accident that the church and the graveyard stand side by side. The city of the dead sleeps encircled by the city of the living. Quote Right
Quote Left All the heavy days are over; Leave the body's coloured pride Underneath the grass and clover, With the feet laid side by side. Quote Right
Quote Left The best that we can do is to be kindly and helpful toward our friends and fellow passengers who are clinging to the same speck of dirt while we are drifting side by side to our common doom. Quote Right
Quote Left The fear of making permanent commitments can change the mutual love of husband and wife into two loves of self-two loves existing side by side, until they end in separation. Quote Right
Quote Left If there is any period one would desire to be born in, is it not the age of Revolution; when the old and the new stand side by side, and admit of being compared; when the energies of all men are searched by fear and by hope; when the historic glories of the old can be compensated by the rich possibilities of the new era? Quote Right
Quote Left Philippians 1:27: Whatever happens, as citizens of heaven live in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together with one accord for the faith of the gospel (NIV)

Only be sure as citizens so to conduct yourselves [that] your manner of life [will be] worthy of the good news (the Gospel) of Christ, so that whether I [do] come and see you or am absent, I may hear this of you: that you are standing firm in united spirit and purpose, striving side by side and contending with a single mind for the faith of the glad tidings (the Gospel). (AMP)

Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel; (KJV)

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Quote Left It is the mind which creates the world about us, and even though we stand side by side in the same meadow, my eyes will never see what is beheld by yours, my heart will never stir to the emotions with which yours is touched. Quote Right
Quote Left Is it not rather what we expect in men, that they should have numerous strands of experience lying side by side and never compare them with each other? Quote Right
Quote Left More than ten million women march to work every morning side by side with the men. Steadily the importance of women is gaining not only in the... Quote Right
Quote Left No human relation gives one possession in another...every two souls are absolutely different. In friendship and in love, the two side by side raise hands together to find what one cannot reach alone Quote Right
Quote Left We have, in fact, two kinds of morality side by side: one which we preach but do not practice, and another which we practice but seldom preach. Quote Right
Quote Left The human heart is a strange vessel. Love and hatred can exist side by side. Quote Right
Quote Left We seek pitifully to convey to others the treasures of our heart, but they have not the power to accept them, and so we go lonely, side by side but not together, unable to know our fellows and unknown by them. Quote Right
Quote Left If there is any period one would desire to be born in, is it not the age of Revolution when the old and the new stand side by side...when the glories of the old can be compensated by the rich possibilities of the new era This a very good one... Quote Right
Quote Left We have, in fact, two kinds of morality side by side one which we preach but do not practice, and another which we practice but seldom preach. Quote Right

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Book: Shattered Sighs