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Rum Quotations

Rum quotations. Find, read, and share Rum quotations. These are the best examples of Rum quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left I am but as the spark that gleams for a moment, His burning candle consumed me - the moth; His wine overwhelmed my goblet, The master of Rum transmuted my earth to gold And set my ashes aflame. Quote Right
Quote Left There's naught, no doubt, so much the spirit calms as rum and true religion. Quote Right
Quote Left The Great Spirit, who made all things, made every thing for some use, and whatever use he designed anything for, that use it should always be put to. Now, when he made rum, he said 'Let this be for the Indians to get drunk with,' and it must be so. Quote Right
Quote Left I pity them greatly, but I must be mum, for how could we do without sugar and rum? Quote Right
Quote Left Det är löjligt att påstå att tv-spel påverkar barn. Om tex Pac-Man hade påverkat barn födda 80-talet skulle vi idag ha en massa ungdomar som springer runt i ett mörkt rum och äter piller medan de lyssnar på monoton och enformig musik. Quote Right
Quote Left When I die bury me deep with a sixpack of beer between my feet, a 5th of liquor and a bottle of rum. I'll raise hell to kingdom come. Quote Right
Quote Left I wonder whether they have rum and Coke in Heaven? Maybe it's too mundane a pleasure, but I hope so -- as a sundowner. Except, of course, the sun never goes down there. Oh, man, this heaven is going to take some getting used to. Quote Right
Quote Left Don't you drink? I notice you speak slightingly of the bottle. I have drunk since I was fifteen and few things have given me more pleasure. When you work hard all day with your head and know you must work again the next day what else can change your ideas and make them run on a different plane like whisky? When you are cold and wet what else can warm you? Before an attack who can say anything that gives you the momentary well-being that rum does? The only time it isn't good for you is when you write or when you fight. You have to do that cold. But it always helps my shooting. Modern life, too, is often a mechanical oppression and liquor is the only mechanical relief. Quote Right
Quote Left Rum, n. Generically, fiery liquors that produce madness in total abstainers. Quote Right
Quote Left Don't talk to me about naval tradition. It's nothing but rum, sodomy and the lash. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Rum

Quote Left There can be no prosperity without law and order. – President Donald Trump Quote Right
Quote Left The instrument of God's justice on evil was the cross, the motivation of God is His love, the outcome is His justice and fellowship. Only God could come up with this. Quote Right
Quote Left Felonious Trump, & the MAGA minions he commands, continue to divide and separate, even amongst their own, with violence and hate ... while the remaining 'sheeple' he directs follow blindly, hunting 'RINO's they can underrate. Quote Right
Quote Left So the guy in the Oval Office who spent the last four years calling Trump a Nazi, a dictator, and an existential threat to democracy wants us all to lower the temperature and political rhetoric. The same guy who wants us to reject political violence just a couple weeks ago said “we need to put Trump in a bullseye”. God bless Donald J Trump. Quote Right
Quote Left One step forward is like a drop of rain in a place where rain was just a rumour. Quote Right
Quote Left "Once in a lifetime listen to melody of your own heart without the instruments of someone else's." Quote Right
Quote Left If I am to dance to the beat of a different drummer ... shouldn't I make sure that I don't appear to have two left feet ? Quote Right
Quote Left The unprecedented antics and double standards you see from the Left, are Satan's love letters falling from their pockets, as they flail wildly, swinging their hatred for Trump and other dissidents, that challenge their cozy status quo." Quote Right
Quote Left There are two wolves, one is evil and the other is the good wolf. The one that is greater than the other is the one you feed, this is true for your ego and your soul, ego is corruptible and the soul is pure love, which one will you feed? A Sorceress conundrum Quote Right
Quote Left "In every Legend in which Thoth takes a Prominent part, we see that it is he who speaks The Word that results in the wishes of Ra' being carried into effect. Then spoke Thoth to Ra', there came the instrument of Behudet in the form of a Great Winged-Disk, from this day forth he shall be called Horbehudti (Horus Of Edfu" - Legend of the Winged Sun-Disk Quote Right
Quote Left Ready to rumble my people are not humble. Quote Right
Quote Left "Upon my lap it's safe garden pleasance, deep in its soul a rumbling purr." Quote Right
Quote Left Stay centered along the scale... as moderation becomes the fulcrum to wisdom and growth. Quote Right
Quote Left From defendant Trump's personal and business organizations, we can see the artistic blending of nepotism and despotism on full display. Quote Right
Quote Left I think the worst person you can let down ever, is yourself. The person you must never run away from, but confront full on is yourself. The greatest Strength is always found in the time of breaking, of pure vulnerability, when towers crumble and you are walking through the wreckage, the person you must salvage first is yourself. Quote Right
Quote Left Donald Trump has trouble with syntax, he thinks paying tax is a sin!—I Am Anaya Quote Right
Quote Left Promises are quite the quagmired conundrum; often made but seldom kept. 10.6.2022 Quote Right
Quote Left Trump broke the law and endangered national security. After all, it’s not like the KGB doesn’t know how to pick locks. — Michael R. Burch aka “The Loyal Opposition” (Keywords: America, USA, leadership, Trump, treason, lock, locks, national security) Quote Right
Quote Left Cassidy Hutchinson is a modern Erin Brockovich except that in her case the well has been poisoned for the whole country. — Michael R. Burch (Keywords/Tags: America, USA, patriotic, truth, justice, White House, Trump) Quote Right
Quote Left Cassidy Hutchinson is not only credible, but her courage and poise under fire have been incredible. — Michael R. Burch (Keywords/Tags: courage, truth, patriotic, credible, incredible, credibility, Trump) Quote Right
Quote Left Elevate your words, not their volume. Rain grows flowers, not thunder.—Rumi, translation by Michael R. Burch Quote Right
Quote Left Play me like a fiddle and watch me entertain you like a trumpet. Quote Right
Quote Left Guns are instruments like plows or spades or sickles; Use these for humanity. Reach life's pinnacles! Quote Right
Quote Left without passion, sanity crumbles Quote Right
Quote Left It’s not that I don’t want to die; I shall be glad to go. Enough of diabetes pie, and eating sickly crow! Enough of win and place and show. Enough of endless woe! Enough of suffering and vice! I’ve said it once; I’ll say it twice: I shall be glad to go. But why the hell should I be nice when no one asked for my advice? So grumpily I’ll go ... although (most probably) below. ('Enough!' by Michael R. Burch) Quote Right
Quote Left jesus was born a palestinian child where there’s no Room for the meek and the mild ... and in bethlehem still to this day, lambs are born to cries of “no Room!” and Puritanical scorn ... under Herod, Trump, Bibi their fates are the same— the slouching Beast mauls them and WE have no shame: “who’s to blame?” ('who, US?' by Michael R. Burch) Quote Right
Quote Left How can I withhold my soul so that it doesn’t touch yours? How can I lift mine gently to higher things, alone? Oh, I would gladly find something lost in the dark in that inert space that fails to resonate until you vibrate. There everything that moves us, draws us together like a bow enticing two taut strings to sing together with a simultaneous voice. Whose instrument are we becoming together? Whose, the hands that excite us? (Rainer Maria Rilke, translation Michael R. Burch) Quote Right
Quote Left Trump’s real goals are obvious and yet millions of Americans remain oblivious. —Michael R. Burch Quote Right
Quote Left Poets must sometimes re-butt asses like Trump.—Michael R. Burch Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things