Fair flower, that dost so comely grow, Hid in this silent, dull retreat, Untouched thy honied blossoms blow, Unseen thy little branches greet; ...No roving foot shall crush thee here, ...No busy hand provoke a tear. By Nature's self in white arrayed, She bade thee shun the vulgar eye, And planted here the gaurdian shade, And sent soft waters murmuring by; ...Thus quietly thy summer goes, ...Thy days declinging to repose. Smit with those charms, that must decay, I grieve to see your future doom; They died--nor were those flowers more gay, The flowers that did in Eden bloom; ...Unpitying frosts, and Autumn's power ...Shall leave no vestige of this flower. From morning suns and evenign dews At first thy little being came: If nothing once, you nothing lose, For when you die you are the same; ...The space between, is but an hour, ...The frail duration of a flower.

Oft have I mused, but now at length I find, Why those that die, men say they do depart.

My true-love hath my heart, and I have his, By just exchange, one for the other given: I hold his dear, and mine he cannot miss, There never was a better bargain driven.

And the waves sing because they are moving. And the waves sing above a cemetery of waters.

Courage is no good: It means not scaring others. Being brave...

My mother, who hates thunderstorms, Holds up each summer day and shakes It out suspiciously, lest swarms Of grape-dark clouds are lurking there....

The ingredients of health and long life, are great temperance, open air, easy labor, and little care.

Books; china; a life Reprehensibly perfect.

For nations vague as weed, For nomads among stones,...

But words came halting forth, wanting Inventions stayInvention, Natures child, fled step-dame Studys blows...Biting my truant pen, beating myself for spite,Fool, said my Muse to me look in thy heart and write.

Endlessly, time-honoured irritant, A bubble is restively forming at your tip....

Life is an immobile, locked, Three-handed struggle between...

Living toys are something novel, But it soon wears off somehow....

Let my whispering voice obtain Sweet reward for sharpest pain;

In fact, may you be dull If that is what a skilled,...

In forming a judgment, lay your hearts void of foretaken opinions; else, whatsoever is done or said, will be measured by a wrong rule; like them who have jaundice, to whom everything appears yellow.

To be ambitious of true honor, of the true glory and perfection of our natures, is the very principle and incentive of virtue.

Then farewell, world; thy uttermost I see; Eternal Love, maintain thy life in me.

The only disadvantage of an honest heart is credulity.

... a unique endeavour To bring to bloom the million-petalled flower Of being here.

... everyone young going down the long slide To happiness, endlessly.

Fearfulness, contrary to all other vices, maketh a man think the better of another, the worse of himself.

Why should I let the toad work Squat on my life? Can't I use my wit as a pitchfork and drive the brute off?

Sixty years ago they smiled At lover, husband, first-born child....

Half life is over now, And I meet full face on dark mornings...

Surely, to think the lion's share Of happiness is found by couples sheer...

A slight relax of air. All is not dead.

A decent chap, a real good sort, Straight as a die, one of the best,...

Alexander received more bravery of mind by the pattern of Achilles, than by hearing the definition of fortitude.

And yet spend all our life on imprecisions, That when we start to die Have no idea why.
