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Only Just Quotations

Only Just quotations. Find, read, and share Only Just quotations. These are the best examples of Only Just quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Take not away the life you cannot give; For all things have an equal right to live, Kill noxious creatures where 'tis sin to save; This only just prerogative we have; But nourish life with vegetable food, And shun the sacrilegious taste of blood. Forbear, O mortals, To spoil your bodies with such impious food! There is corn for you, apples, whose weight bears down The bending branches; there are grapes that swell On the vines, and pleasant herbs, and greens Made mellow and soft with cooking; there is milk And clover-honey. Earth is generous With her provision, and her sustenance Is very kind; she offers, for your tables, Food that requires no bloodshed and no slaughter. Quote Right
Quote Left He is a hard man who is only just, and a sad one who is only wise. Quote Right
Quote Left The oldest books are still only just out to those who have not read them. Quote Right
Quote Left I have known it for a long time but I have only just experienced it. Now I know it not only with my intellect, but with my eyes, with my heart, with my stomach. Quote Right
Quote Left We've only just begun to learn about the water and its secrets, just as we've only touched on outer space. We don't entirely rule out the poss... Quote Right
Quote Left [When Federal Emergency Management Agency director Michael Brown asserted on ABC News' Nightline last Thursday that he had only just learned of evacuees stranded at the city's convention centre, host Ted Koppel challenged:] Don't you guys watch television? ... a total failure. Quote Right
Quote Left Human contacts have been so highly valued in the past only because reading was not a common accomplishment.... The world, you must remember, is only just becoming literate. As reading becomes more and more habitual and widespread, an ever-increasing number of people will discover that books will give them all the pleasures of social life and none of its intolerable tedium. Quote Right
Quote Left He who is only just is cruel. Who on earth could live were all judged justly Quote Right
Quote Left Time I have only just a minute. Only sixty seconds in it. Forced upon me, can't refuse it. Didn't seek it, didn't choose it. But it's up to me to use it. I must suffer if I lose it. Give account if I abuse it, Just a tiny little minute but eternity is in it. Quote Right
Quote Left We've Only Just Begun Quote Right
Quote Left He who is only just is cruel. Who on earth could live were all judged justly? Quote Right
Quote Left The oldest books are only just out to those who have not read them. Quote Right
Quote Left Reality is only just a word. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Speak thy desire, thou only just of men; And thou, O woman, only worthy found To be with such a man in marriage bound.' Quote Right

Member Quotes About Only Just

Quote Left The power of a government is a sacred trust, only justly exercised when it safeguards the liberties and aspirations of its populace. -Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left We human are only just as tiny as dust on earth. Life is fragile, helpless and variable sometimes. Still, we have to put our hearts at the right place and have a sense of justice always! Quote Right

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