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Niece Quotations

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Quote Left She gave up eating pork three years ago, despite her proud pork-loving, half-Cuban heritage, because she was told pigs share the same mental capacity as 3-year-old children. 'My niece was 3 at the time, which is a magical age,' she said, horrified. 'I thought, Oh, my god, it's like eating my niece!' This, then, also put an end to her preferred hangover cure: Egg McMuffins with Canadian bacon, natch, and beer. Quote Right
Quote Left Another distinguished critic has agreed with Gide--that old lady in the anecdote who was accused by her niece of being illogical. For some time she could not be brought to understand what logic was, and when she grasped its true nature she was not so much angry as contemptuous. 'Logic! Good gracious! What rubbish!' she exclaimed. 'How can I tell what I think till I see what I say?' Her nieces, educated young women, thought that she was pass Quote Right
Quote Left Miss Western: Well, unless I am deceived, my niece is desperately in love. Squire Western: In love! In love! Without my consent! I'll dis... Quote Right
Quote Left I knew that my niece was working nearby with some bank, so my wife rang up the mother and the mother called back to say that shes just called up to say she was alright. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Niece

Quote Left My first great-niece came into this world already in Heaven. Quote Right

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry