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Lia Quotations

Lia quotations. Find, read, and share Lia quotations. These are the best examples of Lia quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left He kissed me. A kiss about apple pie a la mode with the vanilla creaminess melting in the pie heat. A kiss about chocolate, when you haven't eaten chocolate in a year. A kiss about palm trees speeding by, trailing pink clouds when you drive down the Strip sizzling with champagne. A kiss about spotlights fanning the sky and the swollen sea spilling like tears all over your legs. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Lia

Quote Left "If music be the food of love, play on" -William Shakespeare. "If love be the food of YOUR MUSIC, love on" -Me Quote Right
Quote Left I'm such a bad liar, I find it much easier speaking the truth. Quote Right
Quote Left Trash in the bin and sulfur compounds around. Human machine made up of electric circuits to chemical compounds ....electromagnetic signals seen as aura to telepathy are all by products of how the think tank of human machine processes...... Amazingly.. The only machine which is self reliant........ Quote Right
Quote Left “Law and order is a job for all of us. If we shirk it long enough we will have anarchy, and all we’ve built will be destroyed.” William Blackstone Quote Right
Quote Left " A familiar needle can't prick you more than once" Quote Right
Quote Left I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell.—William Tecumseh Sherman Quote Right
Quote Left The law, which restrains a man from doing mischief to his fellow citizens, though it diminishes the natural, increases the civil liberty of mankind. –William Blackstone Quote Right
Quote Left There is nothing which so generally strikes the imagination and engages the affections of mankind, as the right of property. – William Blackstone Quote Right
Quote Left See how she leans her cheek upon her hand. O, that I were a glove upon that hand That I might touch that cheek! ? William Shakespeare Quote Right
Quote Left Give me your blessing; truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid long; a man's son may, but in the end truth will out. – William Shakespeare Quote Right
Quote Left The saying goes "rather a thief than a liar, I prefer neither. Quote Right
Quote Left "God's evergreening grace is no facade. My hope is anchored in my Savior's tree; His resurrection weakened Satan's limbs." from one of my Italian Sonnets - THE EVERGREENING OF DECIDUOUS FAITH Quote Right
Quote Left Robert Sherriff 'Australian' Author-Poet-Actor-Model-Singer/songwriter (There is a rainbow down every street, and then the sun comes out) By R.L. Sherriff Quote Right
Quote Left Robert Sherriff 'Australian' Author-Poet-Actor-Model-Singer/songwriter (There is a rainbow down every street, and then the sun comes out) By R.L. Sherriff Quote Right
Quote Left ROBERT SHERRIFF 08/07/1954 - AUSTRALIAN - POET -AUTHOR - SINGER - ACTOR - AMERICAN HISTORIAN – PHOTOGRAPHER ROBERT SHERRIFF: my fingers “There is no such thing as writer's block. When my brain shuts down, I let my fingers do the walking, and my brain does the editing. Quote Right
Quote Left ROBERT SHERRIFF - AUSTRALIAN - POET -AUTHOR - SINGER - ACTOR - AMERICAN HISTORIAN – PHOTOGRAPHER- DEDICATED TO Kellie Marie Sherriff "In the echoes of laughter, there lies a map to joy, guiding us through the labyrinth of life with its cheerful resonance." Quote Right
Quote Left ROBERT SHERRIFF - AUSTRALIAN - POET -AUTHOR - SINGER - ACTOR - AMERICAN HISTORIAN – PHOTOGRAPHER - DEDICATED TO Hayley June Brooks "Wisdom is a river, flowing through the landscape of our thoughts, carving valleys of understanding and mountains of insight." Quote Right
Quote Left ROBERT SHERRIFF - AUSTRALIAN - POET -AUTHOR - SINGER - ACTOR - AMERICAN HISTORIAN – PHOTOGRAPHER- DEDICATED TO Robert Lloyd Sherriff 3rd "Time is a sculptor, carving moments into memories, each second a chiseled stroke shaping the essence of our lives." Quote Right
Quote Left ROBERT SHERRIFF - AUSTRALIAN - POET -AUTHOR - SINGER - ACTOR - AMERICAN HISTORIAN – PHOTOGRAPHER- DEDICATED TO Blake Sherriff "The melody of the wind through trees is nature's symphony, a timeless composition of rustling leaves and whispering breezes." Quote Right
Quote Left ROBERT SHERRIFF - AUSTRALIAN - POET -AUTHOR - SINGER - ACTOR - AMERICAN HISTORIAN – PHOTOGRAPHER- DEDICATED TO Robert Lloyd Sherriff 3rd "A book is a portal, each page a step, transporting readers from the mundane to realms of infinite possibility." Quote Right
Quote Left ROBERT SHERRIFF 08/07/1954 - AUSTRALIAN - POET -AUTHOR - SINGER - ACTOR - AMERICAN HISTORIAN – PHOTOGRAPHER true worth “Only a great leader will show their true worth. It is what they have between their ears. Not between their legs. Quote Right
Quote Left ROBERT SHERRIFF 08/07/1954 - AUSTRALIAN - POET -AUTHOR - SINGER - ACTOR - AMERICAN HISTORIAN – PHOTOGRAPHER my fingers “There is no such thing as writer's block. When my brain shuts down, I let my fingers do the walking, and my brain does the editing. Quote Right
Quote Left ROBERT SHERRIFF - AUSTRALIAN - POET -AUTHOR - SINGER-ACTOR - AMERICAN HISTORIAN – PHOTOGRAPHER- DEDICATED TO Jayde Sherriff Red Roses "In the quiet of dawn, ideas bloom like red roses, unseen but fragrant, whispering secrets to the early morning light." Quote Right
Quote Left ROBERT SHERRIFF - AUSTRALIAN - POET -AUTHOR - SINGER - ACTOR - AMERICAN HISTORIAN – PHOTOGRAPHER- DEDICATED TO Blake Sherriff "The melody of the wind through trees is nature's symphony, a timeless composition of rustling leaves and whispering breezes." Quote Right
Quote Left ROBERT SHERRIFF - AUSTRALIAN - POET -AUTHOR - SINGER - ACTOR - AMERICAN HISTORIAN – PHOTOGRAPHER- DEDICATED TO Charlie Sherriff "Mountains stand as silent poets, their verses etched in stone, telling ancient stories to those who climb high enough to listen." CLICK LINK Quote Right
Quote Left ROBERT SHERRIFF - AUSTRALIAN - POET -AUTHOR - SINGER - ACTOR - AMERICAN HISTORIAN – PHOTOGRAPHER- DEDICATED TO E.J Brooks Rain "In every drop of rain, a story is written, a tale of travel from cloud to earth, a cycle of rebirth." Quote Right
Quote Left ROBERT SHERRIFF - AUSTRALIAN - POET -AUTHOR - SINGER - ACTOR - AMERICAN HISTORIAN – PHOTOGRAPHER- DEDICATED TO Addison Brooks Dreams "Stars are the dreams of the universe, scattered across a canvas, waiting to be deciphered by curious minds." Quote Right
Quote Left Just imagine ... one to convince a nation that when you're in a position, as maybe the most powerful man on the planet, it's not enough, and you require more. Sound familiar ...? Quote Right
Quote Left They've been trying lately to tame me with shame and humiliation. Because I've got a wild soul not ready for mediocre. I'm untamed Quote Right
Quote Left All the liars and enablers and fawning media are panicking now because they have been exposed on national TV. The big lie is out. Joe and his handlers and carers are busy devising a new way to gaslight you, to make you believe it was all just a bad day. You have been played for a fool! Quote Right

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry