Don’t buy me a bouquet of dollars
But hand pick me a bunch of weeds

Politics and Economics ... two sides of the same coin. Both are meant to deal with an equitable distribution of resources, not just financial, but those of humanity, where pillars of freedom and justice are valued beyond the stanchions of power, discrimination, and greed.

Butterflies are the souls of caterpillars, they are borne from the inside out, they last for only a short while to start their hurricanes, to leave their beautiful imprint on their new world, before they leave to regenerate again in another place;

Through chaos, great change occurs. It gets worse before it gets better. Butterflies are fragile, but they are the souls of caterpillars, strong enough to wave their messages of rebirth through. Don’t get me started on Bees. Love. Joy. Be.

The first million dollars I ever made . . .
was on business I turned away.

- Indian currencies have Gandhi. U.S Dollars have many leaders in their currencies. Euros have flags. I do not know which is better. We spend them all -

Money, weapons, connections, drugs, fake people, fake sims, fake accounts, fake number plates, hypocrisy and bad intentions are pillars of underworld mafia.

Swim against the current, be "weird". Be the butterfly in the midst of caterpillars. I've asked a question many times but have never gotten the correct answer, "What is weird?" Weird is befriending the friendless. Standing up to the worst jeers from the worst bullies. "Weird is unique". It's doing what no one else will because they are afraid to be seen by others as something different. "Normal" is just ununiqueness disguised as something beautiful. Be the star that lights the path for millions.

“If humanity had the exalted intelligence we are called to have, we would recognize in our brothers and sisters what we share in common, on the most profound levels, and the petty differences that seek to destroy us would melt away into a global harmony that would stun the very angels themselves."

Death is the dawn of eternal life in paradise. - John Lars Zwerenz

“Did you all not know that agony and sufferings are the path that is paved to Paradise? - John Lars Zwerenz”
? John Lars Zwerenz

Faith and belief are two pillars on which religious adventure rests.

"I believe that the only concern one should have in this life is to die without fear from a life well lived." - John Lars Zwerenz

"I believe that the only concern one should have in this life is to die without fear from a life well lived." - John Lars Zwerenz

Never bet two dollars on a buck-fifty horse.

"How come the guy making me lunch and cleaning the toilets, gets paid less than the guy stamping papers? Seriously, why is the paper stamper more valuable than the burger flipper? Why is his life worth more? When we pay the paper stamper thirty-five an hour, we are saying that their life is five times more valuable than the burger flipper we pay five dollars too, and also that the burger flipper deserve a lower quality of life than the paper stamper." Lyon Brave

There are two types of people in this world. Those who remain caterpillars and spend their lives wishing to reach somewhere, and those who transform to butterflies and fly to that place.

I don't have a problem giving money or tax dollars to people who find themselves in certain sudden, and unfortunate situations. However, I do have a problem giving money to people who perpetually find themselves in bad situations. It is better to give that person knowledge, than money.

The three pillars of work are meaning, purpose and legacy.

If i had a Cent for every time a woman as tried to seduce me, i would have about 10 Dollars by now , not rich, but very happy
