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Impeachment Quotations

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Quote Left When people ask if the United States can afford to place on trial the president, if the system can stand impeachment, my answer is, Can we stand anything else Quote Right
Quote Left The genius of impeachment lay in the fact that it could punish the man without punishing the office. Quote Right
Quote Left There is a time to be timid. There is a time to be conciliatory. There is a time, even, to fly and there is a time to fight. And I'm going to fight like hell. (On Congressional moves toward impeachment) Quote Right
Quote Left If you convict and remove President Clinton on the basis of these allegations, no president of the United States will ever be safe from impeachment again, ... And it will happen. And people will look back at us and they will say we should have stopped it then before it was too late. Don't let this happen to our country ... Do not throw our politics into the darkness of endless recrimination. Quote Right
Quote Left It became evident to me that there was a very serious political element at work. I know that the term impeachment was bandied about. I do not believe, however, that the word was used with the ferocity it was more recently or that it was in the Nixon years. Quote Right
Quote Left President Clinton says in this month’s 'Esquire' that he wants the Republicans who spoke against him during the impeachment to apologize to him. But the Republicans today said those were oral insults, and under Clinton’s logic, an oral insult is not really an insult. Quote Right
Quote Left Midterm elections are all about rallying the base. If you can bring up censure and impeachment, maybe you can get back the 10 or 15 percent of Republicans who have peeled off in the recent polls. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs