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Family Tree Quotations

Family Tree quotations. Find, read, and share Family Tree quotations. These are the best examples of Family Tree quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left What is it about genus arboretum that socks us in the figurative solar plexus We see a logging truck go cruising down the road, stacked with a bunch of those fresh-cut giants, we feel like we lost a brother. Next thing you know, we're in The Brick, we're flopping money down on the bar. Wood. We're under a roof. Wood. We're walking the floors. Wood. Grabbing a pool cue. That's wood. Our friends in the forest carry a set of luggage from the mythical baggage carousel. Tree of life, tree of knowledge, family tree, Buddha's Bodhi tree. Page one of life, in the beginning. Genesis 322. Adam and Eve. They're kicking back in the garden of Eden and boom, they get an eviction notice. Why is that Lest they should also take of the tree of life, eat and live forever. A definitive Yahweh no-no. Be good to yourself, go out and plant a wet one on a tree. Quote Right
Quote Left I don't have to look up my family tree, because I know that I'm the sap. Quote Right
Quote Left I looked up my family tree and found three dogs using it. Quote Right

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