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Confided Quotations

Confided quotations. Find, read, and share Confided quotations. These are the best examples of Confided quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the Field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere -- so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive -- that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. Quote Right
Quote Left I tread in the footsteps of illustrious men... in receiving from the people the sacred trust confided to my illustrious predecessor. Quote Right
Quote Left The power confided in me will be used to hold, occupy and possess the property and places belonging to the government, and to collect the duties and imposts. Quote Right
Quote Left The clergy believe that any portion of power confided to me will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And they believe rightly; for I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against any form of tyranny known to the mind of man. Quote Right
Quote Left The clergy believe that any portion of power confided to me, will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And they believe rightly: for I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyrrany known to the mind of man. Quote Right
Quote Left I went to the mountains for strength and they crushed me. I confided in the rock as my friend and it denied me. I stood on top of the world and it humbled me. The greatest virtue that man learns from mountains is that he has not gone to the mountains to conquer them; rather, he has gone to the mountains to conquer himself. Quote Right
Quote Left The monument of death will outlast the memory of the dead. The Pyramids do not tell the tale which was confided to them; the living fact comme... Quote Right
Quote Left Confidante: One entrusted by A with the secrets of B confided to herself by C. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things