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Common Sense Quotations

Common Sense quotations. Find, read, and share Common Sense quotations. These are the best examples of Common Sense quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. Quote Right
Quote Left America is sick. It's a country that worships basketball players and supermodels as deities and treats the poor as an enemy. You can see a human being shot to death on network television, but a human breast is too obscene to make the cut. We love war, we love our country, but we hate each other. Our entire society is structured around making money, often at the expense of another, and 'entertainment' assures us that it's all normal. Families are almost nonexistent, and the only safe neighborhoods are patrolled by armed guards with attack dogs. In short, we're heading for a huge Crash. Crash Site is attempting to accelerate the decline any way it can, and hopes to position itself somewhere in the middle of the New Republic once America is rebuilt. We're not conservatives, we're not liberals. We're Common Sense Hardliners. Quote Right
Quote Left When you have got an elephant by the hind legs and he is trying to run away, it's best to let him run. Quote Right
Quote Left Common sense is in spite of, not as the result of education. Quote Right
Quote Left It could be that our faithlessness is a cowering cowardice born of our very smallness, a massive failure of imagination... If we were to judge nature by common sense or likelihood, we wouldn't believe the world existed. Quote Right
Quote Left Common-sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom Quote Right
Quote Left Age affects how people experience time. The observations on this are well known, so it is only necessary to outline briefly what has been the experience of everyone I have ever talked to or read about: the years go faster as one gets older. At the age of four or six, a year seems interminable; at sixty, the years begin to blend and are frequently hard to separate from each other because they move so fast! There are, of course, a number of common-sense explanations for this sort of thing. If you have only lived five years, a year represents 20 percent of your life; if you have lived fifty years, that same year represents only 2 percent of your life, and since lives are lived as wholes, this logarithmic element would make it difficult to maintain the same perspective on the experience of a year Quote Right
Quote Left Common sense in an uncommon degree and is what the world calls wisdom. Quote Right
Quote Left The freethinking of one age is the common sense of the next. Quote Right
Quote Left It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office. Quote Right
Quote Left The voice of the Lord is the voice of common sense, which is shared by all that is. Quote Right
Quote Left The genius of a good leader is to leave behind him a situation which common sense, without the grace of genius, can deal with successfully. Quote Right
Quote Left The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next. Quote Right
Quote Left It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something. Quote Right
Quote Left I don't know why it is that the religious never ascribe common sense to God. Quote Right
Quote Left Common-sense is part of the home-made ideology of those who have been deprived of fundamental learning, of those who have been kept ignorant. This ideology is compounded from different sources: items that have survived from religion, items of empirical knowledge, items of protective skepticism, items culled for comfort from the superficial learning that is supplied. But the point is that common-sense can never teach itself, can never advance beyond its own limits, for as soon as the lack of fundamental learning has been made good, all items become questionable and the whole function of common-sense is destroyed. Common-sense can only exist as a category insofar as it can be distinguished from the spirit of inquiry, from philosophy. Quote Right
Quote Left The receipt to make a speaker, and an applauded one too, is short and easy.—Take of common sense quantum sufficit, add a little application ... Quote Right
Quote Left A sense of humor is just common sense dancing. Quote Right
Quote Left He was one of those men who possess almost every gift, except the gift of the power to use them. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Common sense is the guy that tells you that you ought to have your brakes relined last week before you smashed a front end. Common sense is the Monday morning quarterback who could have won the ball game if he had been on the team. But he never is. He's high up in the stands with a flask on his hip. Common sense is the little man in the grey suit who never makes a mistake in addition. But it's always someone else's money he's adding up. Quote Right
Quote Left In its famous paradox, the equation of money and excrement, psychoanalysis becomes the first science to state what common sense and the poets have long known -- that the essence of money is in its absolute worthlessness. Quote Right
Quote Left Science is simply common sense at its best--that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic. Quote Right
Quote Left Each situation can be different, depending on where you are. Objective rules are less important than good judgment and common sense. Quote Right
Quote Left Learning is, in too many cases, but a foil to common sense; a substitute for true knowledge. Books are less often made use of as spectacles to look at nature with, than as blinds to keep out its strong light and shifting scenery from weak eyes and indolent dispositions. The learned are mere literary drudges. Quote Right
Quote Left A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing. Quote Right
Quote Left Nothing can be more contrary to religion and the clergy than reason and common sense Quote Right
Quote Left School days are the unhappiest in the whole span of human existence. They are full of dull, unintelligible tasks, new and unpleasant ordinances, with brutal violations of common sense and common decency. Quote Right
Quote Left Common sense always speaks too late. Common sense is the guy who tells you ought to have had your brakes relined last week before you smashed a front end this week. Common sense is the Monday morning quarterback who could have won the ball game if he had been on the team. But he never is. He's high up in the stands with a flask on his hip. Common sense is the little man in a gray suit who never makes a mistake in addition. But it's always somebody else's money he's adding up. Quote Right
Quote Left Pride is a spiritual Cancer: It eats up the very possibilty of love, or contentment, or even common sense. Quote Right
Quote Left By alienation is meant a mode of experience in which the person experiences himself as an alien. He has become, one might say, estranged from himself. He does not experience himself as the center of his world, as the creator of his own acts -- but his acts and their consequences have become his masters, whom he obeys, or whom he may even worship. The alienated person is out of touch with himself as he is out of touch with any other person. He, like the others, is experienced as things are experienced; with the senses and with common sense, but at the same time without being related to oneself and to the world outside positively. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Common Sense

Quote Left "Common sense only happens when your senses, sense your completely in sync." J.F. Quote Right
Quote Left A man who seeks wisdom is one of honor, but a man who lacks common sense is a disaster to himself Quote Right
Quote Left Common sense is wisdom... in the shallow end of the pool. Quote Right
Quote Left Wisdom without common sense is like writing with a pen without ink Quote Right
Quote Left Most the mistakes that we make is that weather is a political phenomenon for common life like common sense. Quote Right
Quote Left If you want to be considered intelligent apply more common sense, if not, become president intelligence nor common sense are required Quote Right
Quote Left "Common sense is like loose change; most people leave it at home!" Quote Right
Quote Left "I find it strange "common sense' has undoubtedly, different meanings to everyone? Not so 'common', I guess...." Quote Right
Quote Left The unprecedented vitriol of the latest election causes people to behaving in a baffled manner. Just as light is trapped in a baffle, election campaigning is trapped in the minds of the public against all common sense. November 13, 2016 Quote Right
Quote Left " common sense is not common anymore." Quote Right
Quote Left A wise man is not one who seeks common sense, but rather one who seeks total sense. Quote Right
Quote Left I lack common sense in some places, but maybe that leaves room for innovation. Common sense is only 'common' depending on the way you live and what you experience, as with lifestyles being so diverse in the current time period. I do believe to have common sense, one would be very knowledgeable. Quote Right

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