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Bey Quotations

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Quote Left Yes, sir, from Constantinople, or from the Brazils; from Turk or christian; from black or white; from the dey of Algiers or the bey of Tunis; from the devil himself, if he wore a crown, we should receive a minister. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Bey

Quote Left There is no example of complete death or annihilation in the world. Just graceful and profound, abrupt change. Nothing goes out of existence...why should we be so different? Why not a universe of cooperative thought and feeling in a speck of sand? We know so little of death...and why not life beyond, yet assume volumes full? Quote Right
Quote Left “I think you were born for this time and place. You can call it fate or Divine Providence, but you were born for this. Sometimes I think our lives were predestined to go down a certain path. Oh, we can choose the good or the bad along the way, but ultimately, perhaps we are predestined for things beyond our control. It is not acurse, but a gift, to be embraced and used in the right way.” - Dan "Doc" Thomas, The Rushing Tide Quote Right
Quote Left When I start to write, I try to make of myself a blank slate...left with just the impulse that got me there, at the lone scrimmage. I sit quietly...waiting.... Until an interesting thought or phrase, can be even one word eagerly presenting itself. Then I begin the poem, letting the impulse lead beyond. To me, poetry, along with everything else a writer uses for definition and motivation, above all else is viewed as sacred -- alive and independent literary expression in a manic, schizoid way:) Quote Right
Quote Left Separation is only an illusion of consciousness. There is the knowable God, God the Father, and the unknowable God -- beyond all obtainable comprehension. Heaven, earth...there is no true separation. We are multidimensional beings. Of infinite time and space. The real, the unchangeable, are the spirit archetypes behind physical reality. What we see, feel and touch (even our own bodies) are the illusions we have created. They are not meant to present indefinitely as they are. Quote Right
Quote Left I learned something long ago ... Time is not to be had, but to be made. Yet for those who equate it to money, They forget about values, now disobeyed. Quote Right
Quote Left Dream beyond your limits but live within your means without forgetting to put in due work, for the folly of fools lies in their hate for understanding Quote Right
Quote Left Quit this, quit this,’ I’d tell myself. ‘How could I do better?’ I’d ask. I have to turn to God, I’d suggest. But I’m a sinner beyond salvation, and God’s mercy is boundless. Thanks to it, I have hope. Quote Right
Quote Left Faith ... Hope ... Trust ... Belief ... where does the truth end, so we may heal beyond our grief ? Quote Right
Quote Left The winner goes beyond winning, his path becoming a soul mission~ whether little or lot no longer matters. Quote Right
Quote Left Easiest identifiable emotion comes from heart though relations exists in various forms. The community prefers to remain delude with easiest option available. Glamour, the most dominating illusion some how slips out of celluloid screens and transforms every single being. Aligned with traditions and seen with respect, refurbished with is much beyond. Every life is a rhapsody deserving legacy... short yet beautiful... may we make it! Quote Right
Quote Left Perception is a fickle partner, bent by shadow & shade beyond light. Quote Right
Quote Left Deep love goes beyond verbal expression; it's the silent understanding, the unspoken connection, and the shared emotions. -Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left Koi apna Ghar beych key nahi jaata rent house hai woh uske phatar hai tum hare nahi. Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left Bole nath ka chand beytal hai or I am busy for sex not having fun with love Vaishali baskaran Aur saya duor hai nandi ji kaya zindagi hai Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left Aabey friends shaddi Mai chori maat Kiya Karo.. Have fun madam order Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left Deep love goes beyond verbal expression; it's the silent understanding, the unspoken connection, and the shared emotions. -Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left “Imagine beyond what has ever been.” from the poem “I Dream” by Max Burchett Quote Right
Quote Left "Imagine beyond what has ever been." from the poem and song "I Dream" by Max Burchett Quote Right
Quote Left Our beauty is beyond our scars. Our beauty is beyond the stars. #2linespoetry #twolinepoetry Quote Right
Quote Left You are like a boat created to be unique and spectacular. But the only way you can fully explore your potential is by exploring the possibilities beyond the shore. Look to the horizon and be inspired by the unknown. That is where the magic exists. Quote Right
Quote Left We are spirit-extensions of one another, also never to doubt the loving support of that great tether linking us eternally with our creator and His inextinguishable Heaven...wherever we are, or travel to, beyond mortal mist, from seeming dark corridor is yet another chance for an even brighter dawn and wondrous journey. Quote Right
Quote Left "The walls are not falling like Jericho, they are dissolving; brick by brick. Beyond the purple haze, a golden place." Quote Right
Quote Left "The walls are not falling like Jericho, they are dissolving; brick by brick. Beyond the purple haze, a golden place." Quote Right
Quote Left What do we know of God, or surmise? Aware of everything, infinite beyond time and space as generally understood. Omnipotent, no need to duplicate anything exactly, seemingly obsessed with our individuality, yet with a definite preference toward Pure Love -- His self-essence proliferating endlessly. Quote Right
Quote Left The world is full of wonder and awe, Of beauty beyond what we can see, If we take a moment to pause, We'll find peace and tranquility. Quote Right
Quote Left Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. Quote Right
Quote Left What was predestined will occur in a specific place and time: whoever tries to prevent it, will not succeed. I've pondered over ruined lives for disobeying the fate's will, but sadly the consequences were unfavorable and catastrophic. I've seen people weep, not happy about the outcome of their dream; their allusion was too discernable...what was missing was their strength of defiance! Quote Right
Quote Left Of fate and destiny no one knows what lies beyond the yellow brick road. Quote Right
Quote Left we wake up broken, but beyond these brokenness there's always a spirit that generate inspiration for us to move on. Quote Right
Quote Left I look into your eyes and see the world beyond compare. With a mere glance, I perceive nothing but deserts and darkness. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things