Overly sharing and being too gullible with the wrong someone is like loading a bullet in its chamber and pulling the trigger.

Before they enter the chambers of your heart
Make sure they aren't falling Apart.

Ask the class who is Kim Kardashian and everybody will be able to answer but ask the class who is Amber Hagerman and the chirp of crickets is the only sound we will ever be able to hear.

Para Ter Sucesso em Tempos de Crise os bons serao aquelas pessoas que souberem dizer a sua bondade endurecida contra todo aquele que a merecer. E uma Bondade que nao agride nem lambe e sim, e a propria arma da vida para o sucesso continuado.

LOVE is a many-chambered prison that we go to willingly ... and our sentences are dispatched by those we trust with the keys.

If the poem or thought does not impact
an emotion on the reader, the writing is a waste of time.
Luis M. Lambert

Baggage of conscience can not be put into the storage chamber before entering the gates of paradise.
