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Aile Quotations

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Quote Left Never ride against the wind of or sailed against the wave of change and good. I am constantly sailing or riding towards it. Quote Right
Quote Left Each dawn a new beginning to restart from where you stopped, correcting and doing the things failed to do. Quote Right
Quote Left All my writes are personal tries and self revelations. Hoping I am not so different, and maybe what worked/failed for me will benefit others. Quote Right
Quote Left If poets fail to move us with their words: they have failed in their quest to cheer us up, or to alleviate our pain, even to console us with their empathy. Quote Right
Quote Left Upon completion: if I feel need to explain my poem, introduce my work...then the poem has failed. Quote Right
Quote Left Our history tends to record summary chapters, while the detailed plots may remain hidden or obscured. Quote Right
Quote Left I have failed a thousand times in my life and 999 of those failures were my own fault. Quote Right
Quote Left ,, lord Shiva and godess feelings get's failed to tell they are nope negative to your family or alse mud bring down Lotus Rose which was having thorns" Quote Right
Quote Left With nothing left to lose and all to gain, we sailed our wooden ships down tear filled streams. Quote Right
Quote Left It is easy for a woman to make your life hell to push you to   say ," I love you " When she failed to say "I love you. " By Alfonso Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris Quote Right
Quote Left Get Back Up: Even though we may fail many, many times in life, get back up, and continue to press forward to the prize that is laid before us. Today I must admit that I failed, but even though I may have fail I know I am not defeated, and neither are you. We only lose when we cease to continue in the race that God Yahweh has set before us. Don't ever give up, hold on to the hope we have in Jesus Christ. We must remain firm in our faith. Always remember to keep that hope alive. Quote Right
Quote Left politicians are just failed used-car salesmen Quote Right
Quote Left My luck is so bad the day I die everyone on the planet will stump their toe on coffee table or step on a lego or catch trailer ball with shin this is necessary to even things out again Quote Right
Quote Left sailed for salvation but sunk into oblivion Quote Right
Quote Left If a war starts, it's because a deal failed. May 2017. Quote Right
Quote Left Words have failed to express true Love. Quote Right
Quote Left "Someone who has sailed every sea has merely sailed through the monotony of himself." -Bernardo Soares/Fernando Pessoa Quote Right
Quote Left No... to quit is to fail. So as long as you keep trying, you have not failed. Quote Right
Quote Left Political battles are won with peaceful intentions, not inciting riots, destruction and bloodshed. The motto, " Make America great again. " has failed terribly. Quote Right
Quote Left There are boundaries created by colonizers, isolated for unending problems, Nigeria is one of those artificial conglomeration, the continued union of that failed state will create myriads of problem for the world. A referendum is only being delayed by the subjugation of a few in The North Quote Right
Quote Left "No matter what they'll say, just keep going on. You may be judged but never convicted. You maybe failed but never crushed." ©Donward Bughaw Quote Right
Quote Left Bio Born Men running in women's races; stolen glory by failed, individuals, lost in their own world. Mental Illness growing... unchecked. Quote Right
Quote Left I failed in resisting depression but my smile succeed. Quote Right
Quote Left "I have never seen a hearse pulling a trailer!" Quote Right
Quote Left By the time that our mortal lives come to an end, I believe that each and every one of us would like to be able to say, "I have lived. I have loved. And, I have prevailed over every obstacle." Quote Right
Quote Left I'm not ok over a generation that's self destructing and I'm not ok over how easily accessible guns are to youngsters and I'm not ok that 1 out of 4 of us youngsters suffers from some major mood disorder and I'm not ok that those who don't seek help or feel like the health or educational system has failed them act irrationally and hurt themselves or somebody else and the fact that this keeps happening year after year after year has to stop Quote Right
Quote Left Just because we did not succeed does it mean we have failed. Quote Right
Quote Left When you first tried to walk you fell. Look at you now, you stay up right without fail. So you just tried something new and failed. Why would you not have another go? Quote Right
Quote Left If you were not missed, your existence failed !! Quote Right
Quote Left "Sometimes even when you know a failing approaches, still fight on like a rebel army against a powerful oppressive force. At least when you've failed then, you've still shown the courage to try defy the impossible" Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs