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Address Quotations

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Quote Left The Public - a thing I cannot help looking upon as an enemy, and which I cannot address without feelings of hostility. Quote Right
Quote Left The notion of this universe, its heavens, hells, and everything within it, as a great dream dreamed by a single being in which all the dream characters are dreaming too, has in India enchanted and shaped the entire civilization. The ultimate dreamer is Vishnu floating on the cosmic Milky Ocean, couched upon the coils of the abyssal serpent Ananta, the meaning of whose name is Unending. In the foreground stand the five Pandava brothers, heroes of the epic Mahabharata, with Draupadi, their wife: allegorically , she is the mind and they are the five senses. They are those whom the dream is dreaming. Eyes open, ready and willing to fight, the youths address themselves to this world of light in which we stand regarding them, where objects appear to be distinct from each other, and an Aristotelian logic prevails, and A is not not-A . Behind them a dream-door has opened, however, to an inward, backward dimension where a vision emerges against darkness... Quote Right
Quote Left Nothing more completely baffles one who is full of trick and duplicity than straigthforward and simple integrity in another. A knave would rather quarrel with a brother knave than with a fool, but he would rather avoid a quarrel with one honest man than with both. He can combat a fool by management and address, and he can conquer a knave by temptations. But the honest man is neither to be bamboozled nor bribed. Quote Right
Quote Left The longer you stay in the mall, the longer your children will have to listen to holiday songs on the mall public-address system, and many of these songs can damage children emotionally. For example: 'Frosty the Snowman' is about a snowman who befriends some children, plays with them until they learn to love him, then melts. Quote Right
Quote Left We have come tardily to the tremendous task of cleaning up our environment. We should have moved with similar zeal at least a decade ago. But no purpose is served by post-mortems. With visionary zeal but the greatest realism, we must now address ourselves to the vast problems that confront us. Quote Right
Quote Left The decrease in pervasive attacks in 2005 is counter-intuitive to what society at large believes is a major threat to their personal data. IBM believes that the environment has shifted - with increased security protection on most systems and stiffer penalties, we are seeing organized, committed, and tenacious profiteers enter this space. This means that attacks will be more targeted and potentially damaging. Organizations around the world - from the public and private sectors - must move quickly and work together to address this growing challenge. Quote Right
Quote Left My task over the last two years hasn't just been to stop the bleeding. My task has also been to try to figure out how do we address some of the structural problems in the economy that have prevented more Googles from being created. Quote Right
Quote Left There are many religious-based social issues that are so hard for society to address right now things like abortion and capital punishment they're better left for another time, ... It Takes a CEO: Leading with Integrity. Quote Right
Quote Left I have a dream... that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Quote Right
Quote Left Reactance theory does not address how harmful or innocuous control can be and may seem to be too circumscribed to explain the nature of general harmful behavior. However, the limitations of its scope to specific and reactive control motivation do not detract from its power to explain battles for control dynamics. It is formulated to anticipate these specific incidents and, in doing so, addresses harm in general. With this purpose and the applicability of reactance theory in mind, the terms control and specific control are used interchangeably and, because reactance is control motivation, the terms reactance and control motivation are also used interchangeably. A control model, subsuming these concepts and general control, is introduced next, in which control (unless identified by a general control descriptor) is the belief in the freedom to engage in a specific nonharmful or harmful behavior to reach a specific nonharmful or harmful goal that can be exercised for a variety of reasons, most particularly when threatened or taken away, arousing reactance in proportion to its distinctiveness and importance. Quote Right
Quote Left Nature gets credit which should in truth be reserved for ourselves: the rose for its scent, the nightingale for its song; and the sun for its radiance. The poets are entirely mistaken. They should address their lyrics to themselves and should turn them into odes of self congratulation on the excellence of the human mind. Quote Right
Quote Left The English, the plain English, of the politest address of a gentleman to a lady is, 'I am now, dear Madam, your humble servant: Pray be so go... Quote Right
Quote Left Our goals were to address the following, ... Does ascorbate in pharmacologic concentrations kill cancer cells, but not normal cells, using conditions that mimic IV use and a clinically relevant time course? Is action dependent on extracellular ascorbate, intracellular ascorbate, or both? If effective, what are the mechanisms? Can ascorbate be delivered to tissues without harm? Are there implications for other diseases? Quote Right
Quote Left The English, the plain English, of the politest address of a gentleman to a lady is, I am now, dear Madam, your humble servant: Pray be so good as to let me be your Lord and Master. Quote Right
Quote Left Eventually, if you had a printer that is IPP compliant, that printer will have a Web address and anyone around the world who can get on the Internet can print to that URL. Quote Right
Quote Left The omission of an expected conjunction is called an asyndeton . Caesar is supposed to have said about Gaul: I came, I saw, I conquered. Lincoln concluded the Gettysburg Address, That government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.Caesar seems to have omitted his conjunction to speed things up; he is emphasizing how quickly the conquest of a place follows from its being sighted by a great and ambitious general. Lincoln's omission is more subtle Quote Right
Quote Left To hide a passion totally (or even to hide, more simply, its excess) is inconceivable: not because the human subject is too weak, but because passion is in essence made to be seen: the hiding must be seen: I want you to know that I am hiding something from you, that is the active paradox I must resolve: at one and the same time it must be known and not known: I want you to know that I don't want to show my feelings: that is the message I address to the other. Quote Right
Quote Left Last week the president of the United States gave his State of the Union address, where he spoke of America's leadership in the world, and called on all of us to 'lead this world toward freedom.' Again and again, he invoked the principle of freedom, and how it can transform nations, and empower people around the world. But, almost in the same breath, the president openly acknowledged that he has ordered the government to spy on Americans, on American soil, without the warrants required by law. The president issued a call to spread freedom throughout the world, and then he admitted that he has deprived Americans of one of their most basic freedoms under the Fourth Amendment to be free from unjustified government intrusion. Quote Right
Quote Left In the hope that it may be no intrusion upon the sacredness of your sorrow, I have ventured to address you this tribute to the memory of my yo... Quote Right
Quote Left Many years ago Rudyard Kipling gave an address at McGill University in Montreal. He said one striking thing which deserves to be remembered. Warning the students against an over-concern for money, or position, or glory, he said: 'Some day you will meet a man who cares for none of these things. Then you will know how poor you are.' Quote Right
Quote Left In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their address they eventually live in the metropolis. Quote Right
Quote Left Don't worry about your physical shortcomings. I am no Greek god. Don't get too much sleep and don 't tell anybody your troubles. Appearances count: Get a sun lamp to keep you looking as though you have just come back from somewhere expensive: maintain an elegant address even if you have to live in the attic. Never nickel when short of cash. Borrow big, but always repay promptly. Quote Right
Quote Left The first priority is the Palestinian elections which will hopefully bring about a Palestinian leadership with whom we can sit down and address all the issues on our agenda, Quote Right
Quote Left If you're guided by a spirit of transparency, it forces you to operate with a spirit of ethics. Success comes from simplifying complex issues, address problems head on, be truthful and transparent. If you open yourself up to scrutiny, it forces you to a higher standard. I believe you should deliver on your promise. Promise responsibly. Quote Right
Quote Left It can take quite a while for a Web page to appear on your screen. The reason for the delay is that, when you type in a Web address, your computer passes it along to another computer, which in turn passes it along to another computer, and so on through as many as 5 computers before it finally reaches the work station of a disgruntled U.S. Postal Service employee, who throws it in the trash. Quote Right
Quote Left More irregular verbs: I address the issues, you launch ad-homonym attacks, he's a flaming maniac and should have his access pulled. Quote Right
Quote Left But the hobbledehoy, though he blushes when women address him, and is uneasy even when he is near them, though he is not master of his limbs i... Quote Right
Quote Left The Lord's Prayer is 66 words, the Gettysburg Address is 286 words, there are 1,322 words in the Declaration of Independence, but government regulations on the sale of cabbage total 26,911 words. Quote Right
Quote Left The Lord's Prayer is 66 words, the Gettysburg Address is 286 words, and there are 1,322 words in the Declaration of Independence. Yet, government regulations on the sale of cabbage total 26,911 words. Quote Right
Quote Left It wasn't by accident that the Gettysburg address was so short. The laws of prose writing are as immutable as those of flight, of mathematics, of physics. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Address

Quote Left Technology, imbued with wisdom, adorned by ethics, and draped in compassion, possesses the power to address complex challenges, steer positive societal change, and foster an inclusive, equitable world. - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left Bund me pechay say danda Daina bura baat larna hai to time batao date batao shooter ka name waldiyat or address bhi Batao plz. Quote Right
Quote Left A week may be a long time in computer ethics but if we do not address such issues the consequences will resonate for lifetimes. (Apr 2004) Quote Right
Quote Left On Your Knees It is the higher thought found only in uncommon prayer that addresses man’s shortcomings. Quote Right
Quote Left Ignorance reveals itself in an argument when the issue is not addressed and personal attacks ensue. Quote Right
Quote Left When one addresses United Kingdom as United Queendom, becomes a feminist. Quote Right

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