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Aberrations Quotations

Aberrations quotations. Find, read, and share Aberrations quotations. These are the best examples of Aberrations quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left When people put their ballots in the boxes, they are, by that act, inoculated against the feeling that the government is not theirs. They then accept, in some measure, that its errors are their errors, its aberrations their aberrations, that any revolt will be against them. It's a remarkably shrewd and rather conservative arrangement when one thinks of it. Quote Right
Quote Left In the South of California has gathered the larges and most miscellaneous assortment of Messiahs, Sorcerers, Saints and Seers known to the history of aberrations. Quote Right
Quote Left The greatest minds, as they are capable of the highest excellencies, are open likewise to the greatest aberrations Quote Right
Quote Left The greatest minds, as they are capable of the highest excellencies, are open likewise to the greatest aberrations. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things