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Forum Home » High Critique » You make it seem like its all worth it

For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
12/5/2017 1:56:37 PM

Amber Binford
Posts: 1
You make it seem like its all worth it,
a divine soul mixed with a culprit.

Like i really want to give you my all but can I trust you to hold it?


That is my entity.

But finding who I am is like an intense game of hide and seek.

You see there's a deep soul that resides in me,

like a lost child looking for a home.

So misguided and deceived by all the lies that were recieved

all because they ran smoothly together like the lines of a perfect poem.

Picture perfect, that's what my life may seem on the outside looking in.

Never really had any trouble with peer pressure or trying to fit in.

But there was always more than what other's could see.

A troubled mind shaded with blinds that blocked out all the hope there was to believe.

Trust issues trickled down through the branches of a family tree.

So you tell me.

Who can I run to?

When every issue is greeted with a tissue, " I love you's" and we wish you the best.

With no time to invest.

So I learned not to feel.

Like a seed covered in dirt needing water to grow and heal.

A heart with so much love to give but pushing away everything real.

But I attest, I really do try my best to break down these boulders.

Mind and heart cluttered with memories, I'm starting to feel like a hoarder.

But I gain a sense of composure as I write these words.

Poetry always had a way of making me feel as though my voice could be heard.

And so I write,

and through these words I heal.

Like a love that's come along that shows me it's okay to feel.

And for once my heart, body and soul are at ease.

It is like ones greatest joy, to finally be at peace.

You make it seem like it's all worth it.
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12/8/2017 12:15:44 PM

Riley Hood
Posts: 7
Really nicely done!
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