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Below are poems written by poet Christian Guild. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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The Sacrifice

We have brought this upon ourselves:
This virus, this egregore:
This cult of individuality.

	Our right to die and bring others with us!
Truly an inversion of full potentiality:
	Others live so we may make right.
The Sun shines on all, says the Teacher,
And vanity blows among its rays.

Like a mask covering a face, so the individual masks their community:
The community devoted to the rite of self-absorption and absolute dismissal of the Absolute
that is the ground beneath us all.

In the guise of a serpent, pleading to be left alone,
like the man behind the curtain, pulling the strings of our poem,
like a talking donkey, kicking us down the road,
this power and principality wants us to become I and all to be you
so it may survive another day, sacrificing us at the anti-altar
of death and decay.

No blood will flow – no life to be seen -
growing and growing, spreading its seed:
From west to east,
by the forces of materiality
and powers that be.

There’s a certain irony to it all:
We must as individuals overcome our idiotic being -
rather, be captured by the wonder of the other -
and come to the altar fully experiencing
the body and blood of the Other
fleshed before us, drawing our eyes
toward the gaze of an other.

Copyright © Christian Guild | Year Posted 2020


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Date: 6/2/2020 2:48:00 AM

ThanX for writing this. We must ask for SALVATION (or "Jesus, be my LORD and SAVIOR) as individuals, but we NEVER come to faith individually, but communally. The Church - Body & Bride of He who gave all for "her" - is all believers. Who took Billy Graham to faith, Jonathan Edwards, William Carey? It usually means little, if discipleship DOESN'T follow. shalom
Date: 6/1/2020 7:28:00 PM

God be praised and thanked for the best and perfect sacrifice fulfilled by Jesus Christ for the redemption of mankind. I'm blessed to have put my faith in my Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ.


Book: Reflection on the Important Things