I know a quiet girl whose name is Izzie
Pays twenty dollars to get a little dizzy
Lately, she's busy smoking up on that boy
Poisoned capillaries we both can enjoy
She's been romanced in pitch black death
Sells her frail body that's powder fresh
Her blood jacked up for a little taste
Stabs a vein with her favorite toxic waste
Come on lil Izzie it's all you care to smoke
Don't worry this time, iffin y'all be broke
There's plenty more where that came from
Izzie baby, you & that boy sho enuf in love
Come see Daddy Kane any time baby
Now don't ya forget next time it'll be eighty
Midnight room filled in a junkie's worst kinda fears
Searching the floor hoping something appears
Combing the fibers of carpet for souvenirs
Just a mirage all your hopes disappear
Hush lil baby don't say a single word
Daddy Kane has got you a lil reward
The Punk Poe…
Always Be Punk…
Always Be Drunk…
(On Poetry)
Copyright © Michelle Rice | Year Posted 2025