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Read Poems by Erica Jane Smith

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Below are poems written by poet Erica Jane Smith. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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The poem(s) are below...

The Saver

I was sincere. 
And you
kissed my eyes like I was your favorite Lego- 
too precious to throw 
into the garage sale. 
Or a creepy crawler you keep between the mattress
and box spring of your bed
because the 
colors of this 
worm bring you
closer to God.

Wrap me in 
a balloon 
and allow the car window to suck it into space-
too fragile for earth
storms and war life.
Or the top drawer where you keep your socks
and underwear, boxer briefs
where I
can nestle softly
in the folds of
your sacred parts.

Copyright © Erica Jane Smith | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 12/15/2010 6:23:00 AM

Thank you for sharing your heart with us through your poetry here at PoetrySoup Erica Jane. My time for reading and commenting will be short until after the New Year. So, today I send a wish from my house to yours. Have a Joyous Holiday and a Happy New Year. Please remember the sick and hungry in your prayers daily. Do all you can to help in anyway you can. Love and blessing, Carol and Family (Your smile can warm a heart)


Book: Reflection on the Important Things