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Read Poems by Norberto Franco Cisneros

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Below are poems written by poet Norberto Franco Cisneros. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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What would I write about?
I could write about war, medicine or leisure
But I don’t know much about any of them
but what do I care, nobody reads poetry anyway
I could write for myself
But then who am I kidding
I don’t write because I have little interest in poetry
Hell, I don’t even write on my thousand dollar computer
But I stare at my blank page on my expensive toy
Like I have no right to think of writing poems
Too high falooting, too classy for me
How dare I think I could write such high fashion words?
I look on tomorrow as another day
but then I get some guts
hidden though they were, they appeared from somewhere 
I don’t know from where but there they are
But tomorrows bring surprises 
I will not question fate’s mysteries
I will just get to work
And write my lofty, classy poems
Once and for all dismissing the fears
I have carried with me for years
And forget trepidation comes from me
I shall not give up my dream
I am strong, I am mature, I am fearless!
I shall fear no word or phrase
Four syllable words will not make me cower 
For I am invincible, I am poet!

Copyright © Norberto Franco Cisneros | Year Posted 2024


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Date: 9/4/2024 11:12:00 AM

Hello Norberto Clsneros, so nice to meet you. You are a poet. This is a lovely poem. you reall expressed yourself. Enjoy your day my friend. /Darlene/


Book: Reflection on the Important Things