What would I write about?
I could write about war, medicine or leisure
But I don’t know much about any of them
but what do I care, nobody reads poetry anyway
I could write for myself
But then who am I kidding
I don’t write because I have little interest in poetry
Hell, I don’t even write on my thousand dollar computer
But I stare at my blank page on my expensive toy
Like I have no right to think of writing poems
Too high falooting, too classy for me
How dare I think I could write such high fashion words?
I look on tomorrow as another day
but then I get some guts
hidden though they were, they appeared from somewhere
I don’t know from where but there they are
But tomorrows bring surprises
I will not question fate’s mysteries
I will just get to work
And write my lofty, classy poems
Once and for all dismissing the fears
I have carried with me for years
And forget trepidation comes from me
I shall not give up my dream
I am strong, I am mature, I am fearless!
I shall fear no word or phrase
Four syllable words will not make me cower
For I am invincible, I am poet!
Copyright © Norberto Franco Cisneros | Year Posted 2024