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Read Poems by Robert Franklin

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Below are poems written by poet Robert Franklin. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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Thank You For the Morning Dew

You should know
You bring life to my day
There’s a sunrise in your smile 
    Brilliant rays break through my cloudy    
    And show me my next step
A crisp morning dew in your smell
   Is the scent of new life emerging
   From a light Spring rain
Your hair falls around your face
    Like curtains revealing the window to my 
    next adventure
Your voice is as soft and revealing as a 
    clear night sky
Your eyes twinkle like Orions shoulders,
    Beckoning me to take an adventure
    That knows no end 
I thank the heavens for giving 
the journey of you to

Copyright © Robert Franklin | Year Posted 2023


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Book: Shattered Sighs