The key is the Key
I went to see the sea one day,
And saw a whale of a tale.
A knight in shining armor rode
A horse that had no tail.
He said he came from Camelot
To find the Holy Grail.
But on his quest he got so lost
He ended up in jail.
He asked me for some bail or kale
To help him get set free.
I said I had no cash or greens
But I could brew some tea.
He said he liked his tea with cream
And honey from a bee.
I said I had no dairy or sweets
But I could find a key.
I searched the beach for hours and hours
But found no key or quay.
I gave up and returned to him
And said I had to flee.
He begged me not to leave him there
And started to plead or plead.
I said I'm sorry for your plight
But I have to go and pee.
Copyright © Mike Roberts | Year Posted 2024