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Below are poems written by poet Danielle Erwin. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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My Flesh and Blood

“I AM life’s Bread,”
The Lord, Jesus, said
He never faltered
Words ne’er altered
“I AM the Way.”
They turned away
Couldn’t bear the thought
Of what He taught
“Eat My Flesh, drink My Blood.”
Yet no one could
It was the law
There was no flaw
This new teaching
Seemed to be breaching
What they always knew
Obeyed as a Jew
They couldn’t see
This was He
Who gave this Word
They’d always heard
Who made the change
That seemed so strange
“Eat My Flesh, drink My Blood.”
They couldn’t see this was good
New Covenant to bring them to
The very same God, Who
Willed from the beginning
Despite our sinning
For all to come to be
With Him eternally
That He gave His Flesh and Blood
On that holy wood
By His death on the Cross
We gained from His loss
The very Life of His
In the Holy Eucharist
His Flesh for me to eat
For it is just and meet
His Precious Blood outpoured
To be worshipped and adored
For only by the merits of He
Could we enjoy Heaven’s eternity
Since by our grievous fault
We closed the Heav’nly vault
He made for us a new way
By life-giving words He did say
“This is My Body, this is my Blood”
Take and eat, take and drink as you should

Copyright © Danielle Erwin | Year Posted 2023


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Book: Shattered Sighs