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Read Poems by Megan Glewwe

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Below are poems written by poet Megan Glewwe. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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You’ve grown so much
It’s time to bloom
They’ve helped you up
And watched you grow
And now it’s all for you to show
You were buried in the ground small but full of life
They watered you and took you in
They didn’t care about where you’d been
Everything seemed dangerous but they protected you
They helped you grow and know your worth
They picked you up out of this earth
And when you just looked all around and everything you saw was brown
And everything was looking down
They showed up and showed you the sun
They coaxed you out with love and fun
They saw your beauty before you knew
They watched and loved you as you grew
And now you’re a blossom just waiting to bloom
And you’re scared of what the sun will do
You’re scared of what they’ll do to you
Will they still take care of you they helped and loved you as you grew but will they still be there for you
You’ll make them smile and they’ll help you grow
They’ve learned to love and hug and always know
And even if you can’t see them 
You’ve got your own supportive stem
So bloom, little blossom, don’t be shy
Let yourself shine up high in the sky
Grow and grow and grow so high
And love and live and laugh and cry
And show the world what you can do
And show them all that they can too
And know that sometimes it will rain
Might feel like drowning, lots of pain
But the rain will help and make you grow
And the pain won’t stop but come and go
And they’ll always help to grow with you
So, little blossom, why don’t you bloom?

Copyright © Megan Glewwe | Year Posted 2022


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