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Read Poems by Sushant Basnet

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Below are poems written by poet Sushant Basnet . Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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Mr Confident

Sometimes I wake with a heartache 
My relationship with life is like that of a wrist and a blade.
A strange twist of fate had me in this darkest place.
Tarnished by love and faith.
Can't make my way through the crowd without a weak knee.
Omg They're laughing at me,
omg they are talking about me.
Why is he looking at me?
Why the  is she staring?
Now my heart commences racing.
My whole body begins shaking.
Sweats breaking.
The world is chasing 
And I'm scampering 
with wobbling legs...
Talking head...
Shortening breaths...
Blurred vision.

ing anxiety ransacks my confidence.
I can't move, I'm frozen at the stake.
I got a Knott inside of my chest,
I'm caged inside of my head.
Need a way to escape.
I'm now on pegasus.
Flying over the crowd.
Like the magic bean my confidence sprouts
Now I'm confident enough to welcome their doubts,
And disgust on their faces, whispers and disgraceful gazes.

Now they can call me names, call me phrases.
But I call myself Mr Confident for the day...

Copyright © Sushant Basnet | Year Posted 2022


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